Well-Known Member
Ah yep just looked at those. Some nice looking stainless... His missus isnt bad either...There are more pix in the Daily Mail story.
It's basically just a big Blichmann pot and a conical.
Ah yep just looked at those. Some nice looking stainless... His missus isnt bad either...There are more pix in the Daily Mail story.
It's basically just a big Blichmann pot and a conical.
I did wonder about that. How does one supply a commercial market with a single conical? I'm pretty sure when they say they "launched a beer label" they mean it in the way that I do, ie, I launched a beer label out of my printer the other day."originally purchased for $20K"
20K for 1 pot, a conical, a few knocked off kegs and stolen milk crates. Doesn't even have a stand. Dave got shafted..........but at least he has launched a beer label. How the **** does one launch a beer label?
"originally purchased for $20K"
20K for 1 pot, a conical, a few knocked off kegs and stolen milk crates. Doesn't even have a stand. Dave got shafted..........but at least he has launched a beer label. How the **** does one launch a beer label?
Much more fitting.....While you're here @bradsbrew would you kindly remove the $10k from the title - it's triggering my aspergers since it's not correct. It's a ****** brewery. Please rename it to "Sydney man buys ****** backyard brewery, is apparently news"
That shed looks as rough as guts. Are they sure Daves an engineer? Perhaps he's the train driving kind of 'engineer'. In which case, 10k would have been chump change.
"originally purchased for $20K"
How the **** does one launch a beer label?
You're forgetting the other piece of global news in this article... "Aussie bloke puts shed in back yard"... Unheard of! Stop the presses!!While you're here @bradsbrew would you kindly remove the $10k from the title - it's triggering my aspergers since it's not correct. It's a ****** brewery. Please rename it to "Sydney man buys ****** backyard brewery, is apparently news"
Hey MTB, I reckon this bloke will need a large commercial fridge for that large conical and the 3 x 50 kegs. Maybe you could off load the one you just bought for what it cost you.... or maybe double and tell him it cost $2000 new. Tell him it's from a deceased estate and has been unplugged for a while, but plug it in and show him it works... Oh wait, was that too soon
I'm way ahead of you there. Firing up the printer as we speak ....Here ya go
He even made Sunrise
If you think of the positive, it means quite a few people on here are absolutely more than news worthy for national tv.....possibly....
Here ya go
He even made Sunrise
If you think of the positive, it means quite a few people on here are absolutely more than news worthy for national tv.....possibly....