Just to a spare battery at the moment with plans of a power supply after some electrical testing to work out the current draw for an appropriate switchmode power supply.Do you hook it up to car battery or power supply?
Think I might have visit the local wrecker.
My old mill uses a truck w/w motor I used a power supply to run it no probs
It’s a bit slow 60 rpm but never checked it
Will be using something quicker on my new mill at least 180 rpm
Or use formply: works a treat for anything that is only intermittently wet.
If you ran it on 36* Volts it would probably do fine as long as the mill doesn't get jammed.
Most DC motors have a linear speed / voltage characteristic and an equally linear current / torque characteristic.
This means that you can increase the speed by simply increasing the voltage. If the torque requirement is low enough the motor will simply speed up and the back EMF will mean that the windings aren't overheated. If the torque requirement exceeds* 1/3 the rated running torque all bets are off.
* For a 12V motor. Trucks are often 24 V, in which case use 72 V.
** This has been simplified for clarity and only applies if you are running the motor at 3 x rated voltage. The actual requirement is that
(Vf - EMF) * Iload < Pmax.
I originally had my MM set to the width of a credit card but found it a touch too fine for BIAB, so increased the gap by a fly ****. I'd start off at the credit card width and go from there. Sorry I can't be more precise but I'm not one for precise measurements. Had mine for 6 odd months now. It's the only mill I've ever owned, but very happy with it.Got mine on Monday but only opened it today. Just about wet myself, it’s a lovely bit of kit! Can’t wait to put some grain through it. Thanks for the BB @malt junkie and @Mothballs! Awesome effort!
Question, I’m a biab brewer so what gap would you set with this mill?
Thanks for that, I've been twiddling the dials and seeing what they do, but unsure how to set a good gap.I originally had my MM set to the width of a credit card but found it a touch too fine for BIAB, so increased the gap by a fly ****. I'd start off at the credit card width and go from there. Sorry I can't be more precise but I'm not one for precise measurements. Had mine for 6 odd months now. It's the only mill I've ever owned, but very happy with it.
Glad I clarified! Thanks, much appreciated.no no no. Run a kilo of grain through several times should be all the cleaning it needs.
Done and dusted. I bought a jigsaw, cut out a rectangle in a board I've been using for years to clamp my Marga to, then drilled in from below and bolted the mill on using the 1/4 inch bolts.
So the mill just dumps the grist into whatever I rest it on, in this case my normal collecting bowl.
There's the option to incorporate it as the top of a cabinet or something but I'll just leave as is, sweet.
So I put 4k of Grain in, turned her on and I still can't believe the speed. The crush looks spectacular as well, doughing in shortly.
Best brewing purchase I've made in years.
View attachment 109859
Done and dusted. I bought a jigsaw, cut out a rectangle in a board I've been using for years to clamp my Marga to, then drilled in from below and bolted the mill on using the 1/4 inch bolts.
So the mill just dumps the grist into whatever I rest it on, in this case my normal collecting bowl.
There's the option to incorporate it as the top of a cabinet or something but I'll just leave as is, sweet.
So I put 4k of Grain in, turned her on and I still can't believe the speed. The crush looks spectacular as well, doughing in shortly.
Best brewing purchase I've made in years.
View attachment 109859
https://www.wikihow.com/Change-a-Drill-Bit#Using_a_Chuck_Key_subI’ve got that mixer, how did you actually attach it to the mill rollers?