In Melbourne mate. Not sure whether to lash out on a new one or grab a good second hand one off one of you guys?I'll have a mill for sale soon if you're in sydney and interested
And I am the idiot who read the instructions and STILL got it wrong.Just a note for anyone that hasn't put the hopper together yet. Read the instructions on the mashmaster website. Hopper Assembly Instructions.pdf
The flat plates have a little notch at the bottom that need to line up with each other.
How do I know this? because I am an idiot who didn't read it and then had to take half of it apart again to put them around the right way.
+1Does anyone have a template/suggestion for a mounting board or setup?
Clearly not written in idiotese.what language are they in
Awesome, look forward to seeing your handywork, no judgments here, any inspiration would be helpful!I've done some basic measuring and checking to mount the mill and ozito spade drill to a base board on a stand I'll have more info to share tomorrow maybe even a pic if I can get it done. And don't think my work is template worthy.
Thanks for organising this MJ / Ant.
Appreciate the instructions posted by Randai. Follow it in sequence is the key.
Note: If you use a socket wrench, it will mark a ring around the bolt (see pic). To minimise this, only tighten towards the end on the socket wrench side.
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It is a beautifully made piece of gear I must say.
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My thing of beauty just arrived. Thanks MJ and Anthony. Thanks Randai for destructions. About to put my IKEA cap on right now.
1. In the mill box I found a little steel square-section pin about an inch long. Is this of significance
A Mill Master won’t change your life, but it could well improve your lauter speed. There will be some good second hand ones going. Have you seen the EOI thread Curly79? I reckon it’ll blow up soon. Hopefully!
2. I take it that when attaching mill to a board or bench or whatever, you need to supply your own bolts and go in from underneath to the threaded holes in the bottom of the mill body (the holes that mirror the ones in the top, the black ones in EalingDrop's photo). Anyone know what size and thread, the black ones?