he has 31 interested in buying and still drags his feet. I spoke to him yesterday and was told he would get back to me before the day was out. That was the same answer as i got a few weeks ago and a few weeks before that... :angry:
<snip> There could be a retailer or two knocking on his doorh34r: <snip>
I say if you are going down that track, dont just put Ross's name up there, do the right thing and put it up for tender buy retailers, this is how it works in the real world.It is just an idea, but why don't you put a retailer in the loop, like one of the site sponsors.
If you approach a retailer and cut a deal then the retailer can put an order in for 31 units plus what ever they want. You will still get a great price, maybe even better.
You get a good price, the retailer may get a better than their standard price for buying one or two and every one is happy.
There is precidence for this type of thing, Ross at Craftbrewer has offered to be a central point for malt 'bulk buys' in the past.
Just an idea......
I say if you are going down that track, dont just put Ross's name up there, do the right thing and put it up for tender buy retailers, this is how it works in the real world.
I understand and took no offence, just thought it was a better way to do this.Your right, sorry. I was just using a malt 'bulk buy' through a retailer that I knew of.
There are a number of retailers that you could do this through
A great idea, put it up for tender.
My apologies Gryphon.
It is just an idea, but why don't you put a retailer in the loop, like one of the site sponsors.
I know some guys out there are going to crucify me for saying this but it has to be said. With this order shaping up to be a rather large one, why have a middle man. The Sales Manager of Process Pumps the Australian Distributors of March Pumps has his name and phone number on their Website for all to see so wouldn't it be prudent to contact him for a bulk price. This order is hardly one you would put to a retailer and it would be rather naive to assume so. I have been associated with sales at a wholesale level and am well acquainted with wheeling and dealing over lunches and dinners and behind closed doors to gain financial advantage. Without giving this matter anymore publicity than it already has had, In my view this purchase should be taken directly to the source.
1. sera, pump + impeller upgrade, interested regardless of price
2. RetsamHsam, pump (impeller unspecified?), pending price
3. gap, pump+impeller upgrade, pending price
4. Brendo - pump & impeller, pending price
5. Sijani, pump pending price, impeller pending price
6 Doogiechap impeller upgrade, interested regardless of price
7. fraser_john, pump, pending price
8. peas_and_corn pump, impeller upgrade, pending price
9. Cannibal Smurf, pump pending price, impeller pending price
10. Beernut, pretty darn interested in pump
11. Gruntus, pump (regardless of price), impeller pending price
12. Aleech, pump pending price, impeller pending price
13. Troydo, pump pending price, impeller pending price
14. Dicko ACT - pump and impeller pending price
15. jeddog - pump and impeller pending price
16. Homekegger - pump pending dollars
17. GumbyOne - pump pending price, impeller pending price
18. OLDS2006 - pump & impeller pending price
19. mrpolly - pump & impeller pending price
20. cliff40 - pump and impeller pending price
21. DK - pump and impeller pending price
22. Peteoz77, interested in pump + impeller, depending on price
23. discostu, pump and impeller pending price
24. beerdingo, pump+impeller upgrade, pending price
25. jayandcath, pump+impeller upgrade, pending price
26. Steve - 809 impeller upgrade (price pending)
27. Sammus - 809 impeller upgrade (price pending)
28. QldKev - pump pending price, impeller pending price
29. shanster - pump and impeller pending price
30. balconybrewer - pump and impeller (price pending)
31. shimple - pump and impeller (pending price)
32, GB-Impeller upgrade with fries LOL (Price pending approval)
33. Browndog- possibly an impeller upgrade and a new pump, pending price.
34. Gulpa - pump with impeller (pp)
I'll take that spot!!!