OK adding you all to the PM is definitely not working. So here we go:
Hi All,
Thanks for joining the bulk buy.
I've tabled everything up and attached is the working spreadsheet for the bulk buy.
I want to try and pay Steve at Hoppy Days by the end of the week, and I have to travel interstate on Wednesday for a funeral, so I would REALLY appreciate if everyone could make payment and let me know by Wednesday 18th March 2020.
My bank details:
Account Name: Nick Bone
BSB: 734 230
Account Number: 595575
Please make the reference your AHB handle + BB (e.g. BKBrews BB).
No more order changes, but please check the spreadsheet and make sure that your order is correct prior to making payment. This is the list I will be sending to Steve to execute the order.
BKBrews - 2.5 bags $161.50
BKBrews Friend - 3.5 bags $224
Suchidog - 1.5 bags $100
Malted Mick - 2 bags $128
Daninjt - 2 bags $128
hotwaterpls - 3 bags $192
hophead2 - 2 bags $128
Coxy - 2 bags $130.50
Rhyan Watts - 1 bag $58
Adbrewer - 3 bags $186
Pondo - 3 bags $213