Chridech said:
I am really interested Futur to learn how you went about trying LODO with the GF. It's something I have been thinking about a lot. Specifically how did you mash in and sparge? These seem to me to be the most obvious processes for introducing 02 using the GF. Did you try anything different during the mash recirc. to minimise oxygen ingess or just rely on the SMB to do the scavenging? Did you no-chill or use an alternative non-copper chiller? I've been following this thread and the source documents with great interest. I want to give LODO a go but am rather pessimistic I can achieve it on the hot-side with the GF.
My method so far is this (not proven!):
I pump starsan solution through the CF chiller and let it sit until it gets used later.
I treated the mash water with bakers yeast and dextrose in the grainfather and let it sit for 60 minutes (
I then condition the malt with about 1.5% water by weight, waited about 20 minutes and then milled directly into the grain basket.
I then added 100mg/L of SMB to the mash water once it was at about 50C and carefully stirred it in. I let it sit for about 10 minutes to do it's work on the remaining dissolved O2.
I lowered the grain basket slowly into the mash water until all the water under-let through the grain.
I then put the top plate and lid on and started the pump, adjusting the flow rate to ensure the re-circulation outlet was under the mash water but not without mash water running down the overflow.
From here you could either sparge or no chill, my first batch was no chill but due to the huge efficiency hit from doing it no sparge I think that will be used for canned starter wort. No chill will be something I'll experiment with later until my process is more sound.
The sparge is the riskiest part and from what other grainfather users who have provided DO readings state that they still manage < 1.0ppm of DO after the sparge but it's close. When sparging ensure the sparge water has been pre boiled and treated with SMB at the recommended dosage of 20mg/L. There is no avoiding splashing of the wort here unless you have some sort of skyhook where you can lift the basket slowly and support it to minimise splashing. Otherwise sparge as normal.
Chilling is an issue for most of us (down to 6C!), an esky and pond pump with chilled water/ice/salt is about the only option I believe. Also when chilling you'll want to recirculate and chill using tap water until you can get the temperature down as low as possible, this however wastes a lot of water!
My next batch I'm going to attempt a BIAB in the grainfather and go no sparge to reduce the O2 risk. I'm also going to reduce the amount of SMB used (50mg/L) and also use Brewtan B in the mash (
This is where I'm going with this but I'm really flying blind without a DO meter. Feel free to point out any ways to do this better than I already am