Save you money too, from keeping your stuff from flying out the back the truck/lorry.Nice work!
Knots are great fun and really useful, though in these days of hold down straps, occies and buckle clips they are a sadly neglected part of habit. I was a keen climber and sailor in my earlier days and really enjoyed developing my knot tying skills. A couple of memorable times they actually saved my arse (or someone elses ) and the boom (on another memorable occasion).
you get a green one for doing it in under 50 seconds, and a red if under 40 secondsIs it only me who finds it slightly amusing that his prize for tying all those knots was a brown monkey's fist?
No... obviously just me.
No so much zoo poo flinging. I know some guys who are into... how to put this... lets just say its a fairly extreme behavior undertaken between consenting adults equipped with rubber gloves and lots of lube. Each year they give out a "brown fist" award. I'll leave your imagination to do the rest.
You meet all types when you host websites.
BTW - well done on the knots. I can barely tie my shoelaces so that's an impressive effort.
Ahhhh the human sock-puppet...I see. :icon_vomit:
to be honest I found out I was tying my shoes wrong for 40 years till I learned that my bow was actually a square knot with 2 loops in it. No wonder why it was always cock-eyed and kept coming undone. I was tying a Granny Knot bow.
If all else fails... granny knot.
I actually changed my shoe tying technique just last week after watching a TED video on exactly that. 2 forms of the knot, one weak one strong. 40 years and I never realized. No wonder my shoes never stayed done up. I blame my parents for teaching me the wrong way all those years ago.
Thinking about it I just realized that we taught our kids the wrong method too. D'oh! Their laces never stay done up either.
For those that don't know -