Yep, great to use.
Filled my 2 cornies last night with my munich helles. Normally wouldn't bother with filtering lately but thought I'd give it a run with the kegmenter.
44 ltrs approx in keg, sitting at approx 8 psi and 0 degrees past week. Purged and pressurised sanitised cornies to 10 psi.
Purged and sanitised my filter housing and pressurised it to 10 psi.
Click gas onto kegmenter, crank pressure upto 15 psi. Click on filter in side to kegmenter. Pressed button on top and filled it slowly to top. Then clicked the filter out line onto pressurised corny. This started filtering. Clicked my spunding valve onto corny and set to 9-10 psi. Then watched the condensation line creep up to the top.
When full, clicked everything onto next corny. Did same.
This is where the mini kegs come in handy , I filled 2 cornies,to brim. At least 19 ltrs in them.
Still had precious helles left. Clicked on a 5 ltr mini, about 3 ltrs came put of kegmenter then it started pushing gas, I then let it drain the last of the filter housing into the mini, perfect approx 4.5 ltrs in.
Thought, let's try this beer, poured a schooner, crystal clear, crisp as, 80% carbonated and ready to guzzle.
Put all kegs onto 30 psi for 7 hrs. Perfect carbonation today.
Can see myself using a little more gas filtering like I did years back before I got lazy, but for a awesome helles it works a treat plus you save on carbonation gas anyway as it's already 80% there.
These are good things.
The beer before the filter was like 90% clear anyway, so you don't have to filter, 1 week of cc is perfect after I finned it earlier in the week.
I just wanted to try it as I had the gear and to just polish it up a little .
One word of advice if filtering or pressure transfer into cornies. Make sure you put gas onto the pressurised kegmenter at approx 5 psi higher than the receiving vessels, otherwise when you click on, the back pressure will shoot down the stem of kegmenter and blast the yeast up , undoing you hard work of 1 week of
Filled my 2 cornies last night with my munich helles. Normally wouldn't bother with filtering lately but thought I'd give it a run with the kegmenter.
44 ltrs approx in keg, sitting at approx 8 psi and 0 degrees past week. Purged and pressurised sanitised cornies to 10 psi.
Purged and sanitised my filter housing and pressurised it to 10 psi.
Click gas onto kegmenter, crank pressure upto 15 psi. Click on filter in side to kegmenter. Pressed button on top and filled it slowly to top. Then clicked the filter out line onto pressurised corny. This started filtering. Clicked my spunding valve onto corny and set to 9-10 psi. Then watched the condensation line creep up to the top.
When full, clicked everything onto next corny. Did same.
This is where the mini kegs come in handy , I filled 2 cornies,to brim. At least 19 ltrs in them.
Still had precious helles left. Clicked on a 5 ltr mini, about 3 ltrs came put of kegmenter then it started pushing gas, I then let it drain the last of the filter housing into the mini, perfect approx 4.5 ltrs in.
Thought, let's try this beer, poured a schooner, crystal clear, crisp as, 80% carbonated and ready to guzzle.
Put all kegs onto 30 psi for 7 hrs. Perfect carbonation today.
Can see myself using a little more gas filtering like I did years back before I got lazy, but for a awesome helles it works a treat plus you save on carbonation gas anyway as it's already 80% there.
These are good things.
The beer before the filter was like 90% clear anyway, so you don't have to filter, 1 week of cc is perfect after I finned it earlier in the week.
I just wanted to try it as I had the gear and to just polish it up a little .
One word of advice if filtering or pressure transfer into cornies. Make sure you put gas onto the pressurised kegmenter at approx 5 psi higher than the receiving vessels, otherwise when you click on, the back pressure will shoot down the stem of kegmenter and blast the yeast up , undoing you hard work of 1 week of