How Many Registered Ahb Members Brew Ag Beer

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How I brew my beers

  • I brew AG beer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I brew using another method

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as most do i started on k+b then to extracts and partials.
i now brew biab on pilsners, kolsch and other beers that are hard to get right with the other methods. :icon_chickcheers:
Maybe the word all-grain should be replaced with mashing (without addition of malt extract).

Ditto; I haven't had a decent conversation (face to face, or otherwise) or a drink with you in say 6 months then I'm not bloody adding you.

Anyway, I voted K&K despite brewing around 4 BIAB beers early this year before 'quitting'. Back into it now with steeped specialty grains, hops and kits and will most likely be brewing this way for the future.

Cheers - boingk
Hey boingk - not trying to stir things up as this really is an innocent question. Are you going to back to the steeped grains/hops & kits due to the simplicity or the taste ?
Maybe the word all-grain should be replaced with mashing (without addition of malt extract).


Great suggestion, "Mashed grain beers" sums it up without the "All" restriction. It focuses on the method of production rather than setting the allowable ingredients "in stone".

I was reading an article someone posted here about US craftbrewers getting back into rice and maize and the subsequent kerfuffle. This is not surprising, given the awful beers they have had to endure since prohibition, and the All-grain and preferably All-malt "freedom fighter" mindset is more than understandable.
I'm now an AG'er - and definitely not a very good one either
Oh you poor AGers. So misunderstood. HTFU. AG is a simple term to throw about and everyone roughly knows what it means. Save "masher of malted barley, and sometimes other grains (but I do reserve the right to use additional adjuncts when style dictates)" for your business cards.
Oh you poor AGers. So misunderstood. HTFU. AG is a simple term to throw about and everyone roughly knows what it means. Save "masher of malted barley, and sometimes other grains (but I do reserve the right to use additional adjuncts when style dictates)" for your business cards.

:lol: :lol:
I voted AG but would have probably have given up brewing altogether if I had not tasted Yardy's 'Grain Based' beer while working on his house one day. I was never happy with the taste of my kit beers and did not know there was an alternative.

The only reason I went 3V grain was that there was nobody in my area doing biab. I only had Andrew in Bundy that was prepared to give me a hand so thought it natural to go his way. If Kev and Thunus had been around back then I would have gone biab to be honest. Now I have the herms and am a control freak I am happy though.

I think the poll will show most regular posters are grain based a majority of the kit guys get what the answers they need to improve their kits and move on. If I was still doing kits and came on this site to find out what temp to brew out or something about sanitisation I would not even look at this thread. I would still like to see the kit guys put their hands up to get a fairer result, it is an interesting question.
I voted AG but would have probably have given up brewing altogether if I had not tasted Yardy's 'Grain Based' beer while working on his house one day.

i partially remember the ginger beer went down ok as well :icon_drunk:

I'd still like to know your secret to how you don't get an aspartame taste in your GB Yardy.
:icon_chickcheers: I mash I drink
Cheers Phil :icon_drunk:
Only 270? members bother to vote in this poll when there are how many thousands of members in this forum?
The ensuing discussion is far more interesting than the poll results. No-one could take those seriously in any situation surely? It's a bit like the Herald Sun's 'your say' being confused with a peer reviewed journal article.

Disclaimer: 'Your say' may actually be part of the MX (can't remember) but the journalism is of equal standard in either.
I voted AG. I did the whole progression thing. Would have gone to grain based brewing a year or two ago 'cept I was moving around the country a fair bit - sticking with the kits 'n' bits was easy. As I've only done two "Ag" brews I'm definately a newbie, but a willing student B) . Doubt I'll do anything but Ag for a while as I sort out the rig that was 2 years in the making (is my post count ok? :rolleyes: ).

Im so suprised that so few people use kits
On this forum you mean ;) There is another aussie homebrew forum (MUCH smaller than this one), that predominantly has k&k'ers on there. Relatively active for its size too.
I've lived in Wodonga, Cairns, Bundaberg and now just out of Ballarat. In each of these cities, the local HBS catered essentially to the K&K'er. If you wanted to do Ag or even partials it was a case of ordering online or ordering the ingredients thru the store. Only here in Ballarat have I seen some specialty grain sitting on the shelf. Using that as my evidence, I'd say the AG brewers are very much in the minority overall, just not on this forum, this thread , this poll.