How Many Registered Ahb Members Brew Ag Beer

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How I brew my beers

  • I brew AG beer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I brew using another method

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Now I am abit confused, the fact that I add three pounds of honey at flame out to the wort (about 35% of fermantables) after making the wort using biab method puts me in what catagory? Dont say Dickhead. :lol:
Now I am abit confused, the fact that I add three pounds of honey at flame out to the wort (about 35% of fermantables) after making the wort using biab method puts me in what catagory? Dont say Dickhead. :lol:

What if you added kit yeast to your BIAB, would that make you a Kit Brewer :blink:

What category would you be in if you added honey to a kit?

What if the Hokey Pokey was what it was all about :lol:


Currently its looking like 92% of us are AG brewers. Unfortunatly the problem may be that AG brewers are the most active posters on here.
Currently its looking like 92% of us are AG brewers. Unfortunatly the problem may be that AG brewers are the most active posters on here.

Beginning to think I've buggered up this poll. Should have been -:

How do you brew your beer with choices like Kit, K&K, Partial, Fresh Wort, AG. Somebody else want to do that poll??

you buggered it up be having 'method' in the topic/poll title. AG isnt a method, its the ingredients source. so whetehr your 2 vessle, 3 vessle, gravity or pump, biag or bucket of death its all AG. we all just use AG as the general term for describing a method.

i get where you were coming from though, but you should know better that some AHBrs will nit pick.
I voted AG but have yet to do so. Hopefully when my broken finger is healed i will start. My remaining equipment is being posted by Beerbelly today and i will be ready to go. To prove i am serious...I have had an empty fermenter for three weeks waiting to AG. No more kits!
Holy crap. That's a high % of AGers.

C'mon the rest of you. Get with the program!
Holy crap. That's a high % of AGers.

C'mon the rest of you. Get with the program!

Yeah thats what I want to see, it's going to be skewed if non AG'ers don't vote, want to see input from all brewing styles.

Maybe a mod could alter the Topic to:

How Many Registered Ahb Members Brew Ag Beer and How Many brew using other methods Kits, Partials etc.


I've found a few of my last partial brew from April (posted a pic in What's in the Glass a couple of weeks ago). It's not half bad, but no way am I going to wait six months for a brew to come good when I can get a "grain" UK Bitter or an Aussie Ale at the peak of condition and freshness after a week or two in the keg or bottle.

On our UK sister forum they don't refer to "All Grain" as such; their forum has sub topics such as "kit based brewing" , "extract based brewing" and "grain based brewing". Personally I would be quite happy to see the "All Grain" label loosened a bit. At the present state of the art, many grain based brewers have the skills and desire to replicate commercial styles that they enjoy and, unless they are brewing strictly Reinheitsgebot German styles, their recipes will often contain some brewing sugars, syrups, candi, rice, maize etc.

I refuse to describe a beer made with - say - 4000 BB Ale and 500 sugar (as in an Aussie Pale ale) as a "partial", but it isn't strictly "all grain" either. However it's certainly grain based. The "all grain" zealots are a bit like people who sneer at the simpletons who do a single infusion mash and who refuse to use less than 300 g of Cascade type hops. I suppose every hobby has them in abundance : "Hey that model 00 gauge railway carriage is all wrong, the livery of the London and North East Railway of the 1920s did not have blue in the colour scheme.....I've put in an application for you to be banned from the club " :p
The "all grain" zealots are a bit like people who sneer at the simpletons who do a single infusion mash and who refuse to use less than 300 g of Cascade type hops. I suppose every hobby has them in abundance :p

I can't say I've EVER seen anyone sneer at people doing single infusion mashes or using less than 300gms of cascade, so I truly hope we don't have them in abundance, if at all. There is a general push to get people into trying/brewing with grain, but isn't that really what the forum is about - Educating people into the finer arts of brewing (& sourcing cheap Chinese hops :) )

cheers Ross
There is a general push to get people into trying/brewing with grain, but isn't that really what the forum is about - Educating people into the finer arts of brewing (& sourcing cheap Chinese hops :) )

I agree with part two! Cept you go the other route Ross. Minimal grain, MAXIMUM hops. How did the Imperial Mild go?
I hope samples will be forthcoming at the next BABBs meeting?
I believe homebrewers should start...............well.......anywhere. And finish at whatever level they are at when they are satisfied with the beer they are making/drinking. Interested to see just how many have made the step to "Grain Based Brewing". I prefer that terminology too Bribie, think the term AG was picked up from the Yanks.


KnK for me

The way I see it, i'm still happy to learn about brewing basics and get really good at them before branching out.

I've only been brewing for 1 year (28 batches) and still have further experimentation to do with Yeast & hop additions. I can then expand into BIAB, Kegs, AG.

Maybe I'm risk averse, lazy, not in a hurry or like to be able to do the basics in my sleep before expanding on them - especially, sanitation & temp control.

That said, I still make great beer that I enjoy and what is the rush to get onto the next stage...
Im so suprised that so few people use kits
Why do so few people know how to interpret a study? I know - calling it a study is a bit of a leap

What you can say this poll says:

- more people who respond to this type of poll in this part of the forum with these questions respond that 'I brew AG beer' rather than 'I brew using another method'.

There's plenty of reasons to believe that this might be slightly skewed. Perhaps the AG brewers spend more time lurking the forums and reading topics. Perhaps the AG brewers post more often and are more likely to respond to a poll. There is a bit of a push against the non-AG brewers, so they could be less likely to respond. Kit brewers might also be less committed to brewing, and so might register then lapse more often than AG brewers.

Anyhoo - just some stuff to keep in mind.
I voted other method, I'd say 1/3 of my brews are K&B (usually alot of bits), and what's left would be half & half extract & partial. I am in the process of getting some AG stuff together, just gotta sort out the mash tun hole issue (well I think it's sorted I just gotta get off my butt and do it), all I'll need then is 10L cubes for no-chill (bigger pot and burner are out of the question ATM) so then I can do 2 half batches the same, no-chill and combine in the frementer. Can't wait though
I do partial mashes, all extract, and kits and bits at the moment. Mainly partial mashes but the others come in handy if I want to do something quicker.

I'm planning to get into AG but my main priority is getting my chest freezer conversion project sorted.

So basically at the moment I take AG recipes, reduce the base grain bill and replace with a 1.5kg can of extract. I brew in a 19L pot on the stove.
I voted for AG....but then remembered im going to be doing a kit on the weekend :ph34r: