How Many Registered Ahb Members Brew Ag Beer

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How I brew my beers

  • I brew AG beer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I brew using another method

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'll admit that I rarely post in the AG forum (and even then only when I really want to know something that I doubt more experienced brewers will ask about) but I do read it regularly despite not brewing AG. Is this hypocrisy? No. Bugger you for asking! How rude are you?

Time for me to take my pill and go ni ni's me thinks :p
That said, I also post sometimes when I think I know, and it turns out wrong...

THAT said, sometimes I post for the sake of it...

That covers at least 1500 of my posts.
We are all brewing bro's and sista's here folks.

Many/most us all started in K&K land...

Its a great learning base imo.

Great thread this one too... should be very interesting the discussions held...

Well Said Raven,

Don't know of any other brewer who began AG brewing from the get go. I made my first (extract brew) over 40 years ago and brewed kit beers on and off until 2005. This has nothing to do with any sort of exclusivity for either method, simply interested to know how many are AG brewing, right here and now.

This all started when a mate asked me a while back - "so how many of these blokes on this forum thing you belong to brew the same way as you do"? Then tonight while posting in another thread it occurred to me to check this out, was surprised the question had not been asked before, there have been similar polls for BIAB etc.


Don't know of any other brewer who began AG brewing from the get go.

Not statistically relevant, of course, but I'm pretty sure I remember Sammus saying he started AG from day one.

Oh yes, I remember things.
Or 3800 of mine....

:icon_offtopic: The scary part of that mate, is that others may think after that many posts you have something good to offer! ;)

But in all seriousness you are only 15 posts away from 4000 goodness points.

(check your PM's and respond to me please!)

Back slightly on topic... when reading through old threads it is a shame to see so many talented brewers not on AHB anymore... I could be wrong - they are now just browsing and not posting... do we need a bring back 'life members' thread?

Back on proper topic... The line between AG and other is vast...

Does no chilling in a cube reduce AG worthiness? If so I am guilty.

Carry on brewers... (I love this site.)
I think there is little chance of this thread being anywhere near reliable. Many k&kers are too scared to speak up and every time I read the AG/Partials section I am staggered by the amount of regular posters there who don't post (so presumably don't look) anywhere else.
I wonder about the posters with a squillion posts finally doing their frst AG. And the rig builds that take a couple years. How long do they stay AG (or brewing full stop).
I must just be impatient but I just jumped in with (initially) cheap gear after a few months of kits and haven't looked back.
Technically I don't brew all grain, however, after 1 year of kits, extracts and partials, I have just bought all the necessary equipment and first batches of grain so i voted yes to AG. In other words, I will not be brewing another partial.

I'll admit that I rarely post in the AG forum (and even then only when I really want to know something that I doubt more experienced brewers will ask about) but I do read it regularly despite not brewing AG. Is this hypocrisy? No. Bugger you for asking! How rude are you?

How could reading about something to further your knowledge be hypocrisy?

All kit brewers should read the AG and partials section and likewise all AG brewers should read the kk section. Not only can AG people often help with advice for kit brewers but they may also get reminded of basics they think they no longer need to know.

I try to read all sections of the forum just as I've tried most basic methods of brewing. What's the point of inexperienced brewers asking questions if experienced brewers simply sneer and ignore?

1 vote for AG here by the way and thankful to many on this forum for helping me to it.
Not statistically relevant, of course, but I'm pretty sure I remember Sammus saying he started AG from day one.

Oh yes, I remember things.

My first ever brew was AG...never brewed anything else.

Does no chilling in a cube reduce AG worthiness? If so I am guilty.

Brewing beer with all grains is.................all grain. Whether you do it in a bag, whether you do it in a cube, whether you do it in a cow.........

Matter of fact, I'll brew it now.

No such thing as worthiness unless you think all those names on facebook are actually your friends.
No such thing as worthiness unless you think all those names on facebook are actually your friends.

Mine are. But I have strict rules.

I even ignored a request from my best friend back in high school. That's pretty ruthless.

I have no ruth.
I don't often brew ALL Grain. My favourite brews are UK Bitters and Aus Mainstream lagers. The former usually have around 500g inverted sugar, and the latter around the same but in addition to rice or maize adjuncts.

I prefer to thin out the malty body of my beers a little to give a refreshing brew that can be drunk pint after pint after pint. However on the odd occasion I have attempted a Czech Pilsner etc I go 100% malt.
Mine are. But I have strict rules.

Ditto; I haven't had a decent conversation (face to face, or otherwise) or a drink with you in say 6 months then I'm not bloody adding you.

Anyway, I voted K&K despite brewing around 4 BIAB beers early this year before 'quitting'. Back into it now with steeped specialty grains, hops and kits and will most likely be brewing this way for the future.

Cheers - boingk
11,800 - How many are still active ya reckon? :unsure:

Statistically, this doesn't really matter.
What we will have is a fair sampling of current users, and the proprotion of those brewing AG in its various guises as against K&K etc will likely not vary much over time.
There are no doubt many brewers who frequent a forum such as this for a time, take from it and contribute what they wish / need, and then move on. I'm sure quite a number of those would still be brewing. After all, we don't see all that many sale offers for brewing gear on here.
What we don't know is how many brewers are out there who have never joined a HB forum. I'd venture to say a much higher proportion of those would be K&K brewers. I personally know a number of those. Some of them do the same 1 or 2 K&K brews over and over.
I voted yes, been doing BIAB/NC since march.....

If you ever want a laugh, do a search for your own topics, find the oldest one possible and realise how much you have learnt from this forum....

Reminds me, I need to write up some recipes for tomorrow's double brew day.
I love doing AG's, but still enjoy the ease of doing KnK's, especially when I can knock one up easily once the kids go to bed.