Hop to it
No problem, will be Monday shipping anyway as it just landed last night and will be splitting tonight.
Magnum and centennial will be split and listed this weekend.husky said:Hey mate, I haven't been brewing for a while or been on your site for ages, had a look at picking up some hops for an AIPA but cant see much listed. Any citra, simco, centennial or anything else suitable for an AIPA hiding away? Would also like a bit of magnum which you mentioned was on the way.
I have a few Kilo's of Simcoe to list and Amarillo is currently listed.Dan K said:Hey Yob,
Any 2015 Simcoe and Amarillo on its way in anytime soon?
welcome to my world. 4 day weekends every week.Yob said:I took Friday off as well.. Living like the king