Maybe secure a couple of short lengths of 1/2inch copper tubing on the underI've just had to abandon a Stout due to my false bottom (again) completely inverting.
This is obviously the inside Dave, outside is just a through fitting for the return.I'm in the process of finishing my herms at the moment, but I'm
not sure how to go about the wort return into the MLT. Could everyone
post pics of theirs for some inspiration please.
I'm in the process of finishing my herms at the moment, but I'm
not sure how to go about the wort return into the MLT. Could everyone
post pics of theirs for some inspiration please.
Liked the Blichmann Autosparger and wanted something similar. I fly/continuous sparge via pump and HE to the MLT while draining (gravity) to the kettle. Rate is very slow so did away with the floatvalve, just use a length of silicon hose and a fishing net float, simple as and works a treat. Hope this provides some inspiration.
And with the probe placement, I guess the probe may be short enough to fit onto the perpendicular thread using a reducer without needing too much extra equipment. I thought about using a compression fitting/thermowell instead, but think I'll just end up using PT100's if they fit alright.
Sorry, didn't mean to teach you to suck eggs there - PIDs control the temperature of the HEX liquid based on the probe reading by switching on/off rapidly. This you know. If you look at a graph, you see that they do this very well by 'learning' their environment to round the curve off as you approach the setpoint. I never overshoot with one, someone else may be able to express that better but they are definitelywhat you needbetter at controlling temperature.
Why do you need a Ball Valve at the HEX out? Why would you need to close it?
I have a T and Probe, exactly as you describe but there is enough room with a 1/4 > 1/2" HEX nipple there as well in which for the probe to face directly towards the HEX and flow to go past probe and out perpendicular route. Basically just chain fittings together if you don't have room to make room?
I have the probe through a compression fitting as well, so it is directly in the liquid flow. (but not that exact model of probe)
Anyone else have the 1/4" NPT PT100 probe as per sponge's post to show their setup?