Hi there Chappo and other HERMS brewers.
I thought I'd post a pic of my finished HERMS system, ready for it's maden brew tonight! Thanks to all the generous brewers on this site who have shared valuable knowledge and advice, it just wouldn't be possible without you.
My only issue with my system when running water trials, is despite a 7.6 litre pot for the HEX, 2400 watt kettle element, about 8 metres copper coil, I just can't get better than 1-1.5 C per minute ramping, with a flow rate of about 5 litres per minute. Any suggestions on how I might improve this performance? Or is this ok? Does water and wort perform very differently, does one heat faster than th other??
Cheers guys.
I thought I'd post a pic of my finished HERMS system, ready for it's maden brew tonight! Thanks to all the generous brewers on this site who have shared valuable knowledge and advice, it just wouldn't be possible without you.
My only issue with my system when running water trials, is despite a 7.6 litre pot for the HEX, 2400 watt kettle element, about 8 metres copper coil, I just can't get better than 1-1.5 C per minute ramping, with a flow rate of about 5 litres per minute. Any suggestions on how I might improve this performance? Or is this ok? Does water and wort perform very differently, does one heat faster than th other??
Cheers guys.