I'd wait to see if there are any firmware updates for the Connect controller and for the new Android app to be released. The Android app is being rewritten because the first version wasn't working very well and iMake decided to cut their losses with that version and start from scratch rather than try to fix what they had. It was probably the right call, but it does mean that the full power of the Connect controller is not currently accessible to anyone not using a recent Apple iOS device. (BTW: I contacted iMake asking for information so that I could develop Linux software to talk to the Connect controller, but they are not interested.)
The Connect controller has bugs, like intermittently cutting out the pump and heating, the temperature readout getting stuck or being unable to exit step mash mode without having to turn the unit off and on. Some people also report that they have to power cycle the unit if their Bluetooth device goes out of range, since they can not re-establish connection. It is not clear if it is possible for the end user to upgrade the Connect controller or if it needs to be done at the factory. If you are not in a hurry to buy right now, I'd give it a few months until iMake sort out the controller and app issues.
You might also consider an alternative brand. The Grainfather has some worthy competition these days - units that are similar in design, but at much lower price point. If you are an Android user, the Connect controller in it's current state is no better than controllers on other units.