Coopers bogged down in bible backlash?

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I thought it was a given that you never mix religion with alcohol..
n87 said:
That would be why they all ban it
I don't know about that.
I regularly go to church every Sunday.
I brew.
I drink beer and other alcohol when I feel like it.

What's unusual about that? I'm not the only brewer in my church!
The whole issue is like WGAF..

So their marketing department potentially made a boo boo

It's like Guinness was brewed by the micks so it's boycotted by the prototents.. Yeah right!!

Beer is beer it's universal.

More beer = less wars.

If there is any more evidence of that watch iron maiden at whacken 2016. Ie a Brit singing the trooper in Germany waving the Union Jack advocating lets drink beer and be merry!!

Btw iron maiden and beer rock
The whole point of the debate, as set out in the Media comments sections, is that Coopers are perfectly entitled, as a family company, to support whoever they damned well like.
That's why they are a major donor to the LNP and clearly don't support Gay marriage.

The participants in the video are perfectly entitled to exercise their rights to free speech, as well as organising their lives around mythical Unicorns, Sky Fairies and the Fairy Godfather who so loved the World that he gave his only begotten son Frodo to be killed by the heathen so that ye who verily believe upon his hairy feet shall have your own heathen infidel sins removed ...blah blah blah.

That's fine, been going on for a few thousand years and still hanging around like a bad smell.

And as consumers we are perfectly entitled to also exercise our rights to act within the law, uphold free speech and if we feel inclined to do so, to tell Coopers to **** off.
(ed: not literally, just don't buy their products - they'll get the message and as typical Christians they'll soon get the message when they seen their beloved Mammon-ometer going down off the dial. )
The thing that's funny about the response is the whole point of the video is we can disagree about important issues and still have a beer together. Clearly that is a message we need to crush
Some ****** will always whinge, I think its the only way they can get noticed - certainly not because what they have to say has any value or meaning and it isn't memorable.

Coopers donate to a charity that gives away bibles, that charity makes a vid, with coopers beer in it, some people who believe in the bible blame coopers because they don't like the topic in the vid... go figure.
Phonos said:
The thing that's funny about the response is the whole point of the video is we can disagree about important issues and still have a beer together. Clearly that is a message we need to crush
This is true - basically everyone lighten up and have a beer. Fair enough.

Unfortunately the prosecutors of the debate and financiers of the ad are slightly - understatement of the century - misplaced and misguided. Essentially it's the wrong debate being debated by the wrong people.
I am just waiting Stu's comments and how the discussion of this with his local Coopers rep at the local pub goes. :D
I think the only way that Coopers is going to get any commercial advantage out of this is to harken to their Canadian brethren B)

queer beer.jpg

Ed: that's OK, Stu can keep a tab on his Coopers intake and donate to the local ALP branch once a month to balance things up.
I'm waiting for the penny to drop as to how the vast majority of the venom that is spewed is TOWARDS those who are being accused of being closed minded and bigoted.
The problem with the bible they keep changing the word to make it more acceptable needs a rewrite by Quentin Tarantino
wynnum1 said:
The problem with the bible they keep changing the word to make it more acceptable needs a rewrite by Quentin Tarantino
I hear they had some "gourmet ****" at the last supper. :ph34r:
earle said:
I hear they had some "gourmet ****" at the last supper. :ph34r:
Matthew, you better not have eaten all my ******* avo
- Jesus.

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