The whole point of the debate, as set out in the Media comments sections, is that Coopers are perfectly entitled, as a family company, to support whoever they damned well like.
That's why they are a major donor to the LNP and clearly don't support Gay marriage.
The participants in the video are perfectly entitled to exercise their rights to free speech, as well as organising their lives around mythical Unicorns, Sky Fairies and the Fairy Godfather who so loved the World that he gave his only begotten son Frodo to be killed by the heathen so that ye who verily believe upon his hairy feet shall have your own heathen infidel sins removed ...blah blah blah.
That's fine, been going on for a few thousand years and still hanging around like a bad smell.
And as consumers we are perfectly entitled to also exercise our rights to act within the law, uphold free speech and if we feel inclined to do so, to tell Coopers to **** off.
(ed: not literally, just don't buy their products - they'll get the message and as typical Christians they'll soon get the message when they seen their beloved Mammon-ometer going down off the dial. )