Hey Adr_o. One thing I would disagree on is that while some see it as rigths and liberties, others see it as a defining value based on Scripture, a set of values they see as sacrosanct. That things like 'right to ,marry someone I love' I see as an emotive ploy thrown in to influence public opinion. And while there is a significant history of the church acting entirely contrary to the writings in Scripture, it does not mean that those writings are at fault. Marriage is a biblical principle - if those whio identify themselves on a sexual orientation basis wish to join with someone, then have a civic union. But don't expect someone who has devoted himself to following Christ as a Pastor to completely throw HIS values out the window and perform a marriage ceremony in a place of worship for someone who is going completely aginst the values of that place of worship.
Ideally, I like to play based on the principles of Booker T....don't hate the player, hate the game. I count myself as a true follower of Christ....I have nothing against anyone based on sexual orientation or other emotive issues used to attack the church, and anyone who is also a true follower would say the same thing. My issue is with the sin itself. Not the person.