I'm sure that's what it's meant to mean in beersmith, but I'm not so sure that's what the unit really means. centi is usually used to signify 1/100. cm = one 100th of a meter, aka 10 mm. cl = one 100th of a litre, aka 10ml.
the kilogram is the ******* child of the SI system, as it's a base unit that already has a 10^3 prefix on it. 100g, according to wikipedia's writeup on SI prefixes, should really be a hectogram (or perhaps a deci-kilogram if you make up compound prefixes)... but nobody would know what the hell it was then.
Sorry Lucas, my Bad, slipped Centi in there with Centum. It belongs with Milli, Micro, Nano, Pico, Femto, Atto etc.