Alternate Day Fasting

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tavas said:
Especially when you eat a roadhouse pie and chips when you fill up the car.

I highly recommend the CSIRO Diet. All about portion size and when you eat carbs. No carbs at night. 1 kg per week weight loss. No gimmicks, the book explains what to eat, what different food groups do, and gives you a 6 week meal plan. Too easy. Plus you can have alcohol, just moderate it.

Yep. eat healthily and eat the right meals for your bodies activity. Carbs are good for breakfast and lunch. Avoid them at dinner as the carbs turn to fat as you won't burn them in bed (there are exceptions :D). Salads are healthy but the dressings are 50% fat+. You would be better off with a steak and actually feel full, or have the vegies in a way that you don't need to drown them in fat to be edible. If you drink sweet drinks be mindful how much sugar they have (but diet versions are still terrible for you).

Exercise is great for a couple reasons. The less obvious reason is muscle mass burns more energy even if you are idle.

Otherwise the simple equasion is true.
I've decided to just eat whatever the hell I want and exercise the stuff away. Things I've been reading recently shows that there isn't a better way to be healthy - lots of valuable metabolic processes that can't happen any other way.

I paddle (12' prone paddlepoard) 6-8km 2 times a week, surf at least 3 times most weeks and walk 6km each day monday to saturday.

Carbs, GET IN MA BELLY! Usually drink between 1 and 2 liters of beer a night.
That's only three pints, that's only a cock tease :beerbang:
Nick JD said:
I've decided to just eat whatever the hell I want and exercise the stuff away. Things I've been reading recently shows that there isn't a better way to be healthy - lots of valuable metabolic processes that can't happen any other way.

I paddle (12' prone paddlepoard) 6-8km 2 times a week, surf at least 3 times most weeks and walk 6km each day monday to saturday.

Carbs, GET IN MA BELLY! Usually drink between 1 and 2 liters of beer a night.
+1 Nick JD

It's all about exercise in any shape or form Bribie. :)
Eat in moderation & stay off the piss from Monday morning to Friday night except in exceptional circumstances. ;)
A broken back ended my surfing career yonks ago but still try to keep my swims up & do my walks. Hopefully this should keep me in my size 32's for another 50 years. :lol:

PS -- Just saw your post & you're a basket case Bribie. :lol:
Black Devil Dog said:
There's a radical diet that has been around for a while now, but most people seem to be unaware of it.

How it works is like this, you eat a moderate amount of meat, this can be red, white or fish, you eat a moderate amount of fruit, a moderate amount of vegetables, a moderate amount of bread, cereals, pasta or rice and a moderate amount of dairy foods. Combine this with some moderate excercise, only consume a moderate amount of alcohol and minimal consumption of sweets and junk food.

I know it's a radical concept and there will be non believers who will never accept it, but I'm amazed that my weight stays at 83 kg year after year by following this bizzare diet.
It won't take off unless you get a celebrity endorsement.
+1 for the CSIRO book. It's called "Total wellbeing diet" or something, not a weight loss plan as such, more a long term this-is-how-you-should-eat plan.
A friend put me onto this stuff called crystal meth. I no longer eat, sleep or have low energy. The kilos are melting away and the house has never been tidier. Thankyou crystal meth.
I'm giving this a try but with 2 restricted calorie days per week rather than alternate fast days because I reckon it's easier to fit into a working week.
Mosely showed good results doing this and the thing that really appeals to me is the effect on cholesterol levels and diabetes.
I don't especially need to diet (188cm & 90 kg) but the metabolic benefits look really good.

First lo-cal day was yesterday and it wasn't difficult - you just need a calorie counter and a few diet recipe books.
I even managed to sneak in a small scotch to celebrate the Bombers' win :beerbang:
Gimmick diets are rarely good for you.

Eat better foods, do some exercise, you'd be surprised how easy it is to lose weight.

I just knocked off 14 kilos in about 5 months. Just from:
- eating better (not necessarily less)
- exercising once or twice a week (ride bicycle to work, 7kms each way)
- still drinking beer most days

I used an iphone app called Myfitnesspal, which helps you keep track of your calories and exercise and your goals. Don't have an iphone? Just use the website.
I've been eating Paelo for quite a while but it's a lifestyle thing that's put the weight on, not necessarily eating bad food - for example I don't eat grains apart from occasional rice, don't eat sugars, beans and very few potatoes and no junk food apart from a pie twice a year whether I need one or not, but do base my food on Veg, some fruit, poultry, meat, fish, offal, nuts, good saturated fats like butter, etc. However there wouldn't have been many people 40 thousand years ago who would have luxuriated in so much food on a daily basis. So I'd not describe it as a gimmick, probably more like we were evolved to do. Also I'll be doing the one hour walk on the feeding days.

I've decided to knock it back to four feeding days and three diet days, Mon, Wed and Fri and take the weekends off.
It's not a diet, and I don't think you can call it a gimmick - not like the Israeli army diet or Atkins or whatever.
I think there's some worthwhile science behind it.

I eat well and I exercise but each year when I get my annual checkup the Cholesterol and Triglycerides sneak up a little more.
It seems to be something that happens as you get older.
I'm interested in seeing if this approach has an effect on those markers.

The doc has threatened me with cholesterol reducing drugs if it goes much higher.
Without doing all the work of actually quoting sources, I think you'll find most nutritionists recommend eating small portions, often, rather than eating large portions, then skipping a meal (or two or three).
This isn't about skipping meals. It's reducing the calory count for 2 days a week.

I still had 3 meals yesterday - they just had low calorie counts.

Breakfast - Porridge and coffee
Lunch - Vegetable soup (lots of vegies) and tea
Dinner - vegie burger and coffee
plus a couple more coffees and teas through the day (and a little Scotch)
The "eat less" advisors are a bit like me saying "give up smoking, it's dead easy". I don't smoke, I don't see what all the fuss is about, these people are just lazy and can't discipline themselves not to smoke. Yeah easy for me to say. I had a relation who gave up heroin easily but can't quit the fags.

I can easily get back down to 78 kilos as I was at 45 - dead simple, go jogging every day - a 10K run three times a week and a half marathon every fortnight.

Loved it in those days, couldn't be arsed nowadays.

One problem when you get older is that you need less food in general, but at 55 you still have the appetite of a 45 year old. Something that most of the younger members who have no trouble with their weight at the moment are going to find out for themselves.
**** this thread for pitting bro-science against no-science. I can't work out who to hate the most.
Why not hate both?

Yah, I'm all over that. I'm just trying to quantify it.
Skinny students who live on 2 minute noodles are not allowed to post in this thread


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