Looking at pushing the envelope a little and some advise on this recipe.
All Australian Koala Scat Saison
Min OG: 1.048 Max OG: 1.080
Min IBU: 25 Max IBU: 45
Min Clr: 5 Max Clr: 12 Color in SRM, Lovibond
Recipe Specifics:
Batch Size (Gal): 5.50
Total Grain (Lbs): 12.00
Anticipated OG: 1.062
Anticipated SRM: 7.5
Anticipated IBU: 36.3
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes
4 kgs. Pilsner Malt(2-row)
650gm. White Wheat
300gm CaraMunich Malt
220gm toasted wattle seed
450gm lemon myrtle honey (added with 5 minutes left in the boil)
14gm. Dwarf cluster, 10.50%aa @FWH.
14gm. POR, 8%aa @FWH.
14gm. POR, 4.75%aa @30 min.
14gm. Ella, 10%aa @15 min.
70gm, Fresh ground koala scat @15 min.
Wild Braconid Wasp Yeast
Mash Schedule:
Mash Type: Single Step