Pumpy - I fail to see how a professional solution, properly assembled, looks more like a scrap yard disaster than your meccano idea. I think you will find that a large proportion of brewers find beauty in form that follows function - that is, give us something solid and well-engineered, and we'll find it more beautiful than some plumber's nightmare cobbled together out of parts that seem cheap in theory but end up costing double for a half-arsed result.
Some of the galvanized Dexion looks pretty shmick as is, but a coat of paint is always an option. What you end up with is a well-engineered, very strong, adjustable brewery that can store all your equipment between brews and will not flinch at being fully loaded with a hundred kilos or more of stainless steel, boiling wort and burning propane. It's also probably cheaper, and easier for the 'mechanically-challenged' to assemble.
As I said, it has my vote.
Beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder.