2016 Vic Grain Bulk Buy

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Could someone put me down for 1/2 sack of Perc. Thankyou
PERCARBONATE EOI only (no promises)
1.Black n Tan 10kg
2. WarmerBeer - 10kg to half a bag
3. Danwood - 5kg
4. Mardoo - 1/2 sack
5. droid - 1/2 sack
6. Curly79 - 1/2 sack
OK, we've got enough interest in Perc. to get another list going & can do splits on the day.

Off ya go!
PERCARBONATE EOI only (no promises)
1.Black n Tan 1/2 sack
2. WarmerBeer - 10kg to half a bag
3. Danwood - 5kg
4. Mardoo - 1/2 sack
5. droid - 1/2 sack
6. Curly79 - 1/2 sack
PERCARBONATE EOI only (no promises)
1.Black n Tan 1/2 sack
2. WarmerBeer - 10kg to half a bag
3. Danwood - 5kg
4. Mardoo - 1/2 sack
5. droid - 1/2 sack
6. Curly79 - 1/2 sack
7. BrutusB - 5kg
1.Black n Tan 1/2 sack
2. WarmerBeer - 10kg to half a bag
3. Danwood - 5kg
4. Mardoo - 1/2 sack
5. droid - 1/2 sack
6. Curly79 - 1/2 sack
7. BrutusB - 5kg
8. Grainer - 5kg
1.Black n Tan 1/2 sack
2. WarmerBeer - 10kg to half a bag
3. Danwood - 5kg
4. Mardoo - 1/2 sack
5. droid - 1/2 sack
6. Curly79 - 1/2 sack
7. BrutusB - 5kg
8. Grainer - 5kg
9. eldertaco - 5kg
Thanks for adding me Danwood. Is the pickup date still 7th of May?
1.Black n Tan 1/2 sack
2. WarmerBeer - 10kg to half a bag
3. Danwood - 5kg
4. Mardoo - 1/2 sack
5. droid - 1/2 sack
6. Curly79 - 1/2 sack
7. BrutusB - 5kg
8. Grainer - 5kg
9. eldertaco - 5kg
10. Micbrew - 1/2 sack
I predict Martin and erm, the Clever Brewing Bloke...may end up behaving like someone else we all ~ possibly know...
What sizes can we get the perc in? Is 5Kg the min? Price dependant I may get some.
Makes an awesome dishpowder mixed 1:1 with Lectric Soda. Fantastic replacement for Napisan. Both at 1/10 the price. I buy 1/4 sack for me and 1/4 sack for the household.
Mardoo said:
Makes an awesome dishpowder mixed 1:1 with Lectric Soda. Fantastic replacement for Napisan. Both at 1/10 the price. I buy 1/4 sack for me and 1/4 sack for the household.
I was just searching for this as I remembered reading something ages ago when I was first starting.

With two young boys and a toddler we go through a f**kload of napisan. This sounds like a winner!

Fact you can use it as dishwashing powder too is just fantastic.
Mardoo said:
Makes an awesome dishpowder mixed 1:1 with Lectric Soda. Fantastic replacement for Napisan. Both at 1/10 the price. I buy 1/4 sack for me and 1/4 sack for the household.
interesting... is there a scent/soap you can put in it to make it smell 'nice' as well? My missus likes the citrus scented stuff, but if I can make a decent and cheaper alternative, that'd be ace!
Haven't tried scent. It doesn't leave any smell at all, which I like.

Since Napisan is something like 1/4 perc you only need about a tablespoon per wash. It works great!
The Bags have begun arriving ! Green on the Spreadsheet indicates that your bag has arrived and been allocated! Another 180 bags due Tuesday next week.

We also talked to Cryer and apparently Galaxy has been rebranded as Pale malt, so this is reflected in the spreadsheet.


Hold-off on ordering any Perc. for the time-being.

I've just discovered that Redox is apparently wanting to charge a whopping 442% increase on the last time we did a Perc. BB in Melbourne, when the price was $38.50+GST per bag. Even in October last year, WA & Sydney-siders were getting bags (including GST & delivery) for $68. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

I'm going to call our Redox Rep. on Monday & get to the bottom of this, 'cos there's no way you guys will want to pay the $'s they're currently asking. I know I certainly wouldn't!!!!

BTW, we're getting another 5 pallets of malt delivered first-thing Monday morning. Then we're getting a new WLP shipment, two shipments of SS Brewtech stuff, a couple of pallets of stuff that I need to break-down & re-pack for sending to NZ....

NO idea where I'm gonna put all this stuff...grumble..grumble...whinge/whine/moan/complain...need another beer......
^hope ya got my new ssBT 76L mash-tun in that lot mate...

and why not just ask Martin for help....

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