Hold-off on ordering any Perc. for the time-being.
I've just discovered that Redox is apparently wanting to charge a whopping 442% increase on the last time we did a Perc. BB in Melbourne, when the price was $38.50+GST per bag. Even in October last year, WA & Sydney-siders were getting bags (including GST & delivery) for $68. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
I'm going to call our Redox Rep. on Monday & get to the bottom of this, 'cos there's no way you guys will want to pay the $'s they're currently asking. I know I certainly wouldn't!!!!
BTW, we're getting another 5 pallets of malt delivered first-thing Monday morning. Then we're getting a new WLP shipment, two shipments of SS Brewtech stuff, a couple of pallets of stuff that I need to break-down & re-pack for sending to NZ....
NO idea where I'm gonna put all this stuff...grumble..grumble...whinge/whine/moan/complain...need another beer......