Well...now I'm settled again into some semblance of normality....
I'd like to express a MASSIVE thanks to everyone who pulled-out the stops to make this happen. All I really did was provide the space for it (& the firewood...

). Ingredients, equipment, food, shelter & manpower on this scale don't just happen all in one place without a huge collective effort. THANK YOU ALL!!!! :beerbang: Apart from the crap weather (which I have absolutely NO control over!), everything went as I've been thinking it would go (Read: agonising-over for 6 months).
Whilst I planned the brew itself, it was great to have so many flexible brewers on hand to bounce alternatives-off & come-up with a work-around when things went a bit pear-shaped on Friday night......Oh! The debates!!! Also, thanks to the guys that turned-up with fresh minds & bodies on the day, threw themselves at the challenge & finally brought it all together. I'm absolutely stoked at the final outcome. How the **** we got that OG is beyond me?
Big respect to all the hardy souls who turned-out in the face of the crap weather (I remember seeing -1.4*C wind-chill on our weather-station at one point) & travelled from so far away to be here, just to stand around in the cold/rain drinking each other's beer ('Hope the fire made a dent in that for you). That takes some serious commitment to the cause. It just goes to show what a great bunch of complete nutters Homebrewers really are. The generosity shown by all (not to mention the unsolicited personal "gifts" handed to me) is heartwarming.
Here's a couple of piccies from my collection:
Loki, the fearless puppy who was into everything, including the meat still on the spit whilst it was turning. Oops! You didn't know that? Thanks for keeping him entertained during the day....I think he's now missing all his new friends.

We have T-Shirts to mark the event (not to mention poor light & rain on the camera lens)! **** the Banana-Benders! They don't know how to do these things properly....
My glass is raised to you all.
Edit: The fire's STILL going......