Massive thanks to Martin for hosting!! Very generous of you (& your missus)! :icon_cheers:
Venue was great - nice to be out in the open space of the high country with a bit of greenery around.
That blaze was amazing. When it finally got going. Gotta love a bonfire!
Always great to try everyone's beer - lots of kegs and bottles to be had. Many tasty offerings!! With the added bonus that there was no issues with trying to chill it all.
It was fantastic to catchup with everyone. Well, most of everyone; there were a few i didn't get a chance to chat too, unfortunately... Or they were quick enough to get away before i could corner them!
Also huge thanks and credit to those who set-up and operated the brewing effort - Idzy, Wayne, Jesse, Martin & others.
Looking forward to getting at least 1 cube (... it *did* eventually get into cubes didn't it?) of glorious Scottish wort.
Martin, big fail on the weather.

h34r: :lol:
So. Freakin. Cold.
I was ok not feeling my hands or feet for the entire day, but i was a bit disturbed that it took *5 hours* to get feeling back into them after i got back to the warmth of civilised Reservoir.
Apologies for having to bail early, and i hope you guys aren't hurting too much this morning.
Thanks again, Martin!! Epic day for all!