2014 Vic Xmas in July case swap

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[SIZE=10.5pt]Conversation probably goes like this[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Brewer: hey sweetheart - I think I might get involved in the AHB Swap Meet[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]SWMBO: What the hell is an AHB Swap Meet[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Brewer: Well - you know how you hate beer and brewing and all thngs related to it...well its like 20 - 30 guy that do it get together. So I guess you could say its all the things you hate about brewing t the power of 30.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]SWMBO: Oh great - and what is AHB.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Brewer: You know...that web site I am always on. The one that usually means I pay little or no attention to things you say.....[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]SWMBO: Where is this "swap meet"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Brewer: Yobs house[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]SWMBO: Who or what is a "Yob"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Brewer: Yob is the guy that runs HDA. he spells deals with a "z". He's the guy I buy my hops from. he luvs hops soooo much. he grows them, imports them, sells them and puts heaps of them in his beers. He's really generous too....every now an then he just gives stuff away. Once he gave away this really cool old fridge with a homer sticker on it.....but I missed out on that one.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]SWMBO: Ok...I get it you have a man crush on this Yob guy who is essentially a dealer selling various amounts of weed in vacuum sealed bags[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Brewer: yeah...Yobs really cool.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]SWMBO: So who goes to this swap meet.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Brewer: Heaps of the guys from AHB.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]SWMBO: And you've met all these guys before?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Brewer: Not really - one or two of them maybe. But basically this is the first time most of us have ever met. We just talk on line all the time. These guys are my mates[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]SWMBO: "Mates" you met online and have never really met huh? That sounds healthy - lucky your not a teenage girl (or boy) otherwise I would think you've been groomed by a bunch of dirty old men on the internet.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Brewer: Nah these guys are cool.... there's Yob obviously.....he was kind enough to host. Did I tell you how great he is? Mardoo, idzy, MartinOC - hes the guy that dropped of those plastic buckets and cubes - remember him?....There’s Wolfman and Whiteferret and Brouhaha...heaps of the guys are going. Oh and don’t forget Cocko.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]SWMBO: Cocko?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Brewer: yeah - he's a bit of an AHB mystery. Whenever he's mentioned there is always some mention of his questionable sexuality, I think there was some talk about him being gay...not that there’s anything wrong with that. He’s going to be wearing a skirt to the swap meeting and doing viewings of his manhood every hour on the hour. Apparently his left testicle is really shiny.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]SWMBO: that’s just sick....what else goes on?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Brewer: It’s so exciting we are all going to brew together. We are doing nearly 400litres in a jerry rigged system made up of bits and pieces that different guys bring along. Idzy is bringing his bits along 400litres of boiling wort balanced in a great big 44 gallon drum - a one stage this was all going to be balanced on a few old pallets.....but Yob is so clever - he has it all worked out.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]SWMBO: how long does it go for?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Brewer: Well its on Saturday...but some of the guys are going on Friday night to help Yob get set up. The swap and brew will kick off early because there is so much to get done. Some guys will stay over at yobs and pitch their tents in his yard. That reminds me....I need to get a padlock for my tent. I'm scared Cocko might slip in (and slip it in) while I am asleep.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]SWMBO: Oh for fucks sake....just go have you play date and Yob’s with your Idzy bitsy not so teeny brewing thingy. Just be careful and play with your own cocko if you have to.[/SIZE]
Nullnvoid said:
You have obviously listened to our conversations before. That's pretty damned accurate!
No but I have been sleeping with your wife....she said the same thing to me.
It is Martin.. I have never heard so many hail marys.....

The thing is like the predator....

Anyway, we probably should move on from my left chud.
Cocko said:
Anyway, we probably should move on from 'my left chud'.
Really? So soon? (sarcasm font)

I guess I'll just have to look forward to the movie Christy Brown.
Camo6 said:
Really? So soon? (sarcasm font)
Happy to carry on with it, mate... just looking after the other readers (non sarcasm font) Lets move on from my gleaming left cashew...

Maybe PM me if you need dimensions.

Ok then, back to the great day we are planning.

Seriously, what is the food/house charge? As in, how much are we spending on food etc and what is the fee each? I have only been to 2 other case swaps and we paid the host X amount for the spit or food supplied etc..

Yob has been amazing to do this and I am sure no one is afraid to throw in for everything even if it is an over shoot. Happy to see the host profit.

There is a pm going round, a few of the lads have banded together for the food, I'll let them sort this one out mate, I'm largely detached from it. It looks like we are well sorted though.. Something I did think of the other day that isn't sorted though..

Glassware, if someone notices a good deal on glasses going or has a box of 30 laying about in the shed?
Also saves the "where is my beer' scenario, as you know your glass... AND NO, well not many, HALF DRUNK glasses laying around in morning... you know what I mean..

"Oh, where is my beer.. I know, I will just grab a fresh glass, fill it and leave it in another place I will forget..."

Just a thought.
Hey hey. How's everyone going? Yob, It'd be cool to come down on the day and catch up with all you guys if that's OK?

If there's any places left for swappers, I may be able to churn out a US amber or pale in time, depending on what date you're having it?
Siborg said:
If there's any places left for swappers, ..........................what date you're having it?
Siborg - its on the 19th July

The list of swappers is full - but there is a reserves list in case anyone pulls out.

Heres the latest list if you want to add your self

Swap Attendees

1. Yob
2. Mardoo
3. Idzy
4. Technobabble66 - probably a Fat Yak style PA done w kolsch yeast.
5. GrumpyPaul - "Grumpy's Scottish Litter" (Scottish 80 to be aged on bourbon soaked oak)
6. Grainer - Robust Porter.. plus some top up of something else..not enough bottles as it is going in a comp
7. Brouhaha
8. Relaxed brewer
9. MartinOC
10. Midnight Brew
11. Wolfman (tentative)
12. zeggie
13. Damn - Probably an IPA\
14. DJ_L3ThAL - probably my Chestnut Pilsner
15. Camo6 - apa/ipa
16. micbrew
17. Warmbeer
18. JB
19. ro55c0 - Rye IPA
20. Whiteferret
21. AJ80 - raspberry saison stout
22. Edak
23. Black n Tan- "The Witches Cauldron" American Imperial Red Ale (partial stein beer)
24. Carpedaym

1. Breakbeer
2. syl
3. Shane R
4. Woostyle

Non-Swap Attendees
1. Nullnvoid
2. Cocko - Will bring a keg of some beer. Probably the best beer you have EVER tasted. :lol: .. ever.
3. CarpeDaym
4. RelaxedBrewer
5. New_Guy - will make some slow roast pulled pork taco's

1. Technobabble - 20L
2. Grainer 20L
3. Mardoo 20L
4. MartinOC 20L
5. Idzy 20L
6. Damn 20L
7. DJ_L3ThAL 20L
8. Yob 20L
9. JB 20L
10. Micbrew 20L
11. ro55c0 20L
12. Whiteferret 20L if enough can be brewed.
13. AJ80 20L, but understand am at the bottom of a looooooong list
14. RelaxedBrewer 20L
15. Breakbeer 20L
16. Midnight Brew 20L
17. Grumpy Paul 20L

Total: 340 litres

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