Hey Guys,
It is with regret but the reason counter acts it, just a little... I will no longer be swapping but will be attending the day and drag a keg along for all to enjoy!
SWMBO just pulled a surprise OS trip on me that is for 4 weeks, all of June, ******* blown away!! Anyway, with our current commitments and missing 4 weeks in the middle, I cannot allocate time to brew/bottle/age in time - only option is it being in the FV for 4 weeks, which I am not going to risk, no CC'ing time and a not ready to drink submission.
So in short, out of the 'swap' but still in for the day and will bring a keg along... and maybe even wear pants.
I have just struck myself off, hehe, so I guess the 1st reserve steps up?
Relaxed Brewer? You in?
Swap Attendees
1. Yob
2. Mardoo
3. Idzy
4. Technobabble66 - probably a Fat Yak style PA done w kolsch yeast.
5. GrumpyPaul - "Grumpy's Scottish Litter" (Scottish 80 to be aged on bourbon soaked oak)
6. Grainer - Robust Porter.. plus some top up of something else..not enough bottles as it is going in a comp
7. Brouhaha
8. Cocko - sKirt.
9. MartinOC
10. Midnight Brew
11. Wolfman (tentative)
12. zeggie
13. Damn - Probably an IPA\
14. DJ_L3ThAL - probably my Chestnut Pilsner
15. Camo6 - apa/ipa
16. micbrew
17. Warmbeer
18. JB
19. ro55c0 - Rye IPA
20. Whiteferret
21. AJ80 - raspberry saison stout
22. Edak
23. Black n Tan- "The Witches Cauldron" American Imperial Red Ale (partial stein beer)
24. Carpedaym
1. Relaxed brewer
2. Breakbeer
3. syl
4. Shane R
5. Woostyle
Non-Swap Attendees
1. Nullnvoid
2. Cocko - Will bring a keg of some beer. Probably the best beer you have EVER tasted. :lol: .. ever.
3. CarpeDaym
4. RelaxedBrewer
5. New_Guy - will make some slow roast pulled pork taco's
1. Technobabble - 20L
2. Grainer 20L
3. Mardoo 20L
4. MartinOC 20L
5. Idzy 20L
6. Damn 20L
7. DJ_L3ThAL 20L
8. Yob 20L
9. JB 20L
10. Micbrew 20L
11. ro55c0 20L
12. Whiteferret 20L if enough can be brewed.
13. AJ80 20L, but understand am at the bottom of a looooooong list
14. RelaxedBrewer 20L
15. Breakbeer 20L
16. Midnight Brew 20L
17. Grumpy Paul 20L
Total: 340 litres