2014 Vic Christmas Case Swap

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You ******* LEGEND!!!! :beerbang:

I'd guess somewhere in the 50-70 rolls or 10-12 pide-type loaves ballpark, as I'm thinking most folks will have at least two each, plus extras for the stayers, but I'll leave it to whatever you can source.


And we're away...
Literally just finished bottling my swap! ****, shower and shave and I'll be there by about 2:30 for the swap
Midnight Brew said:
Is there any rule on bringing a growler of my actual swap beer?
Bringing swap beer for tasting on the day used to be a faux-pas. Up to the group each time I guess but why ruin the surprise?

I won't make it along today. Still trying to find my gimp suit and have to attend a family values entertainment evening in altona. You eastern suburbs people gonna have to have the next one somewhere near carlton on a day when I'm free. Ferntree gully is like going interstate for me.
Well gents, another case swap and another awesome arvo. Shame I had to bail early, but there was no avoiding it unfortunately.

To idzy the consummate host - massive thanks for having us all descend as well as for supplying a spare cube lid after mine went all Harold holt on me...hope you enjoy that final bottle of raspberry stout as a small gesture of thanks.

To the people behind the food!! Thanks for keeping us full of delicious meat and sumptuous salads. Special thanks to Mardoo for arranging that spit. Delish!

To the brewers - again, some absolute top notch beers on offer for sampling today. Fair dinkum, if we were to open a brewery with Idzy's kettle... It was also great to get some frank feedback on some of my brews.

To the brewers of the day & to yob's anti-foam. My word that was one hell of a full kettle and I cannot believe it didn't go over. Looking very much forward to getting my cube onto some yeast.

Thanks again everyone. Shame we have to wait six months for another one of these...now onto the swap beers!!
Stupid phone, but you get the picture. Massive kettle filled to the absolute brim.


Cheers to Idzy for hosting and everyone involved in making the day a success. It was good meeting everyone and sampling some great beers, the Mildura/Flanders red was amazing. I'm Looking forward to getting stuck into the swap beers!
What a top day. Cheers idzy you are a great host.

There were some excellent beers. I honestly didn't have a bad one.

Very impressed seeing the kettle in action.

Thanks to everyone for making us blow in bumkins feel so welcome.
Thanks for a great day/night dudes. Honestly a great bunch of guys, could have multiple sessions on the piss with you all.

Thanks Adam, and the guys that did the food!

Have fun emptying the pool! Lol
It sounds like everyone had another great time, unfortunately the only time I managed to spend there was when I dropped the spit off on Friday night.

I was meant to be building a fence and then coming back for the afternoon, but then on our way to get the building supplies for said fence, my eldest son decided to vomit all over the car. Poor bugger, and I couldn't pull over quick enough and it was of epic proportions. I never knew there were so many nooks and crannies in the car, and thank goodness it's leather seats, probably the first time I have said that.

I would like to thank Mardoo for organising the spit and getting it cooked, I hear it was a hit!

Idzy, I'll have to organise to pick it up this week sometime, hope that will be alright.

Happy recovering!
top day, props to everybody for making yet another epic swap a raging success..

I dont feel so shiny...





we filled all these and more :super: