2009 Nsw Xmas In July Tasting Notes

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Had one of mine last night and I think it is right to go.

Looking forward to comments on this one, my first partial, still a kit base though.
I tucked in to Muggus's Imonab Oat Brown Ale earlier. I really liked this beer, I think it reminded me of the Kent Old Brown from years ago.


4. Fatgodzilla - Kolsch

I had Mr Zilla's Kolsch last night. I don't know anything about this style of beer, but I really enjoyed this one.

4. Fatgodzilla - Kolsch

I had Mr Zilla's Kolsch last night. I don't know anything about this style of beer, but I really enjoyed this one.


secret ... either do I .. but I keep making them. Love to go to Cologne and drink the proper seasonal kolsch (meant to be something special). The Whitelabs kolsch yeasts throws a very different flavour (sourish, often thought of as off-like flavour) to what is a fairly simple grain bill and it takes lots of time to clear. That said, I make a few batches very year and am improving each year.

Glad people are enjoying it.

No. 20 Gruntus' Not so sparkling Ale

It sparkled for me Grant, great beer.



Same here, didnt take any notes, have another bottle to taste in more detail later.

Good effort Grant.

5. Gulpa - US Amber Ale

A beautiful hoppy beer, lots of flavour and easy to drink. Nice one, thanks.


7. Bizier - Ming's Myrceness US IPA

More hoppy goodness. I could taste passionfruit in this. The head lasted all the way to the bottom of the glass.

I had this one later last night and slept pretty well afterwards.

Nice one, thanks

You sure are pumping down the beers this week Nifty :chug:

Hope mine is up for review soon.
No. 20 Gruntus' Not so sparkling Ale

Mmmmmm. It sparkled for me Grant, great beer.



I have to admit that Sparkling Ale is one of those beers Ive never really been that interested in. This beer made me think that I should be giving a go sometime soon.

You sure are pumping down the beers this week Nifty :chug:

Hope mine is up for review soon.

Yeah, I've been lucky this week.

Normally I wouldn't drink during the week, I usually have at least 3 AFD's, but the wife has been out each night, so what is a bloke supposed to do ??
15. Syd_03- ESB around 6%-

Pours bright amber/almost ruby. Big fluffy head from a vigorous pour. Aroma of orange marmalade, very slight malt biscuit with a bit of grass as well. Flavour is a bit more complex than that. The marmalade is there but there is also an earthy/spicy almost phenolic flavour that adds interest. Biscuit shows in the backgound. Low/medium carb. Medium body. Well bittered. Very nice beer (again). Thanks Syd.

Id be interested to see your flavour/aroma schedule? It worked very well.

1. Josh - Oktoberfest

Pours a deep gold, decent white head which persists and laces the glass. Just a touch off being completely clear. Lots of rich malt on the nose. Nice lager notes.

Smooth, creamy malty flavour upfront. Finishes medium dry. Lovely chewy maltiness to it. Good bitterness to balance the malt. Clean.

Great rich malty beer. A most awesome oktoberfest. Very smooth and creamy. Great malt complexity. Really enjoyed this one

15. Syd_03- ESB around 6%-

Pours bright amber/almost ruby. Big fluffy head from a vigorous pour. Aroma of orange marmalade, very slight malt biscuit with a bit of grass as well. Flavour is a bit more complex than that. The marmalade is there but there is also an earthy/spicy almost phenolic flavour that adds interest. Biscuit shows in the backgound. Low/medium carb. Medium body. Well bittered. Very nice beer (again). Thanks Syd.

Id be interested to see your flavour/aroma schedule? It worked very well.

Glad you enjoyed it Andrew, you are most welcome. Did a partial using Marris Otter (as you suggested last time) and some med crystal. Might step up the mash temp a few degrees next time.

Aroma and flavour hops both EKG. Added 40 grams to the wort from my mash for a 20 minute boil, added 50 grams after 3 days in the fermenter.

Bittering and/or flavour hops in the Coopers English Bitter Kit I used as the base are reputably Styrian Goldings.

IBU approx 44.1

Cheers Jason
3. Muggus - Imonab Oat Brown Ale

Pours a muddy dark brown. Very hazy. Slightly tan head. Very hoppy nose. Pine. Some citrus and malt in the background.

Chewy malt character, with a pronounced lingering bitterness. Nice caramel flavours mixing well with pine citrus flavours from the hops. Great balance between the two. Medium body and carb. A nice toasty quality to the beer. This beer is showing some roast/chocolate malt notes as it warms and as I get accustomed to the bitterness. Very smooth with the oats contributing to this, even a slight oat-ie flavour in the background.

This is a very interesting and tasty beer, with a flavours I would not have picked from the appearance. Very "zingy" for want of a better word. Most enjoyable.

8. Cortez The Killer - Haggis For Breakfast - Scottish 80/-

I had this one last night.

This was a nice beer, it tasted like caramel ? Sorry, not very descriptive and another type of beer I don't know much about, but to me it was a good beer.


2. RetsamHsam - Doppelbock

Pours near black, with a slight reddish hue when held to the light. Very small head - off white. Malty aroma. Picking up some melanoidins. Some caramel, and dark fruits. Slight alcohol.

Very malty, fruity - dark stone fruits. I'm getting some cinnamon. Some hints of alcohol. Medium body to full. On the sweet side. Very smooth. This is most enjoyable. Almost like a christmas cake, glazed cherries. Caramels. Warming in the belly. Malt sweetness coming through nicely as it warms. Well attenuated as to not make it cloying.

This is a very tasty big beer. With so much going on. Lovely sweet malty overtones - almost a dessert beer. Great on a cool night. This beers is tops!

10. Grantw - Belgian Golden Strong 8.10%

Top drop. I didn't realize the alc content was 8.1% until I checked the wiki, it was well masked.

I had this one after a few my own hb's and it acted like a brown sleeping tablet. I was out like a light in front of the telly.

thanks, very nice beer.

7. Bizier - Ming's Myrceness US IPA

Pours a hazy gold almost orange into a US straight pint glass. Large fluffy white head. Massive grapefruit nose, pine - can't really pick up anything else, perhaps just a hint of malt.

Big grapefruit and pine flavour, with lingering bitterness. Wow it's like hop juice! Big hearty malt body upfront and finishes medium dry. Bitterness is fairly pronounced and hops resins abound. This beer is most awesome. A great US IPA. Top work!

No. 8 CtK's Scottish 80/

Pours dark toffee, slight haze with a fluffy dense white foam stand that persists. Aroma's are malty with hints of chocolate over a medium mouthfeel with lots of malty goodness and some slight yeast characters, earthy hop presence on a drying finish. Lovely balance and very morish. Thanks Gino, delicious beer.

No. 9 Thommo's Belgian Ale

Opens well, pours clear and golden with a fluffy head slowly dissipating. Aroma is very pleasant - pears, and citrus including lemon and orange. Bright carbonation highlights nice yeast flavours working around the dominant pear note, dry finish pulling out some bitterness that balances the sweeter fruit flavours nicely. At times I thought I was sipping a Leffe Blonde, very nice Thommo.



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