2009 Nsw Xmas In July Tasting Notes

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Coupla awesome beers here gentlemen

No. 5 Gulpa's Amber Ale

Pours a clear golden colour with dense foamy head persisting, Fresh hop aroma, slightly spicy/peppery notes then a malty respite before a prolonged bitter finish. Great balancing act here between the hop aroma/flavour/bitterness and malt balance. Happily quaff this beer until I fall over. Nice one Andrew, really enjoyed it.

No. 7 Bizier's Ming's Myrceness USIPA

Just finishing this now and my notes says under aroma - "wife snatched beer away and wouldn't give it back"

Pours clear, light amber, wonderfully hoppy aroma with a thick persistent head that laces the glass. Flavour commences an exercise in bitterness but in a good way, some subtle malt sweetness appears every now and then to be blown apart by the decisive and prolonged bitter finish. I can't taste the alcohol but believe me when I say I can feel it. Rapidly becoming comfortably numb. Thoroughly enjoying this beer, awesome job Dan.

I note that the tasting notes are revised to the 15/8, my printed version is from a week or so ago and am glad it is, pretty good right about now. Don't wait atmo.


3. Muggus - Imonab Oat Brown Ale - American-style brown with NZ hops. S-04, 4.7% abv bottled 29th June

Pours dark amber/brown. Nice tight head. Quite hazy (oats?). Aroma is US hops, resiny pine in front of the citrus with a bit of caramel malt in there as well. Maltyness comes up as it warms. Flavour follows with same, shows some restraint with the hopping, nicely balanced between malt and hops. Medium body. Sweetish malt finish. Clean yeast. Carb is about right. The dark malts are not really showing through for me, so Id probably put this more in Amber territory (borderline). Nice beer, thanks Mike. Another beer I could drink quite a few of. Quite similar to my swap beer.

4. Fatgodzilla - Kolsch

Pours pale gold. Slightly hazy. With medium head which dissipates to thin head. Aroma has some light fruits, apples. Some hop aroma and some malt. Medium light body. Medium low carbonation.

Flavour very smooth. Some fruity sweetness, balance well with a light bitterness. Finishes medium dry. Some hop flavour coming through - noble at a guess. Very clean. Very easy drinking. Great summer and session beer.

I note that the tasting notes are revised to the 15/8, my printed version is from a week or so ago and am glad it is, pretty good right about now. Don't wait atmo.

Cheers Grant.

The revision was more about insurance, and I feel that it might just dry out still a teeny bit. That said, I will be drinking one in about 5 mins. I am just trying to pre-empt the golden little spot where the bottle ferment cleans up, but the hops are still in good nick.

I might call this a WifePA after both your and Stu's comments :) I mistakingly thought that the IBU would be a deterrent. I will approach a perfumer tomorrow to see if I can put hops in aftershave...
4. Fatgodzilla - Kolsch

Pours pale gold. Slightly hazy. With medium head which dissipates to thin head. Aroma has some light fruits, apples. Some hop aroma and some malt. Medium light body. Medium low carbonation.

Flavour very smooth. Some fruity sweetness, balance well with a light bitterness. Finishes medium dry. Some hop flavour coming through - noble at a guess. Very clean. Very easy drinking. Great summer and session beer.


Have just put my bottle in fridge to see if carbonated enough. Sounds borderline. Would expect more carbonation to retain large fluffy head. Was lagered for several months prior to bottling several weeks before the swap - not at optimal super chill but cold enough, however forgot the polyclar so expecting some chill haze (though also possible the yeast will remain in solution). The kolsch yeast (Whitelabs) seems to throw a consistent sweet beer as this taste dominates several other versions of this brew. Hops Tettnanger. Sounds like it has hit what I was looking for - as an alternative to all those fine APASs and IPAs and Belgians in the swap.
Thanks for the compliment, but sorry, no exact recipe. This was a chuck away brew - my notes says its a "Three Malt Alt" - 2.3kg Wey Rauchmalt, 600g Wey Rye and 2.3kg Wey Vienna. Tettnanger. Whitelabs German Ale/Kolsch yeast. End of notes. Chuck away cos the last of my Rauch & Vienna ! Can't give anymore hints on SG etc. I've a few bottles of this left - will keep for the next IBU day !
Fatgodzilla 918 side swap beer.
I just cracked open the first beer from my case. I've never used Rauchmalt and only tried a few smoked beers in general. I guess the black colour comes from the Rauchmalt?

Malty and noticeably smokey without being a glass of bacon. A little fruity and chocolate flavour as well. Really nice beer FatzG.
21. Gibbo Trans Pacific IPA
Pours a deep golden colour with a thick off white head. Big whack of citrus on the nose. Summer fruits dominate the flavour. Mainly grapefruit and passionfruit. A healthy enough malt backbone supports the flavour. But as I swallow, the hop dominant flavours don't continue into a bitter finish which I think would be benficial.

The second glass has disappeared in no time, so it's definitely drinkable. Thanks Gibbo.
Here ya go.

Gibbos Trans-Pacific IPA
American IPA

Type: All Grain
Date: 13/05/2009
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Brewer: Gibbo
Boil Size: 30.29 L Asst Brewer:
Boil Time: 60 min Equipment: My Equipment
Brewhouse Efficiency: 68.0


Amount Item Type % or IBU
0.20 kg Light Dry Extract (15.8 EBC) Dry Extract 3.3 %
3.50 kg Pale Malt, Ale (Barrett Burston) (5.9 EBC) Grain 57.4 %
0.80 kg Munich Malt - 10L (25.0 EBC) Grain 13.1 %
0.80 kg Wheat Malt (Barrett Burston) (3.0 EBC) Grain 13.1 %
0.30 kg Carahell (25.0 EBC) Grain 4.9 %
0.30 kg Carared (39.4 EBC) Grain 4.9 %
0.20 kg Caramunich Malt (160.0 EBC) Grain 3.3 %
20.00 gm Super Alpha [13.00%] (60 min) Hops 27.6 IBU
30.00 gm Simcoe [13.00%] (10 min) Hops 15.0 IBU
6.00 gm Galaxy [15.00%] (60 min) (First Wort Hop) Hops 10.5 IBU
6.00 gm Simcoe [13.00%] (60 min) (First Wort Hop) Hops 9.1 IBU
30.00 gm Galaxy [15.00%] (60 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
40.00 gm Simcoe [13.00%] (Dry Hop 3 days) Hops -
1 Pkgs US05 American Ale Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.057 SG
Measured Original Gravity: 1.010 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.014 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.005 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 5.7 %
Bitterness: 62.2 IBU
Est Color: 21.3 EBC

Mash Profile

Mash Name: Single Infusion, Medium Body Total Grain Weight: 5.90 kg
Sparge Water: 12.19 L Grain Temperature: 22.2 C
Sparge Temperature: 75.6 C TunTemperature: 22.2 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: TRUE Mash PH: 5.4 PH

Name Description Step Temp Step Time
Mash In Add 15.39 L of water at 74.2 C 66.0 C 60 min
Mash Out Add 8.62 L of water at 96.2 C 75.6 C 10 min
3. Muggus - Imonab Oat Brown Ale - American-style brown with NZ hops. S-04, 4.7% abv bottled 29th June

Pours dark amber/brown. Nice tight head. Quite hazy (oats?). Aroma is US hops, resiny pine in front of the citrus with a bit of caramel malt in there as well. Maltyness comes up as it warms. Flavour follows with same, shows some restraint with the hopping, nicely balanced between malt and hops. Medium body. Sweetish malt finish. Clean yeast. Carb is about right. The dark malts are not really showing through for me, so Id probably put this more in Amber territory (borderline). Nice beer, thanks Mike. Another beer I could drink quite a few of. Quite similar to my swap beer.

Thanks for the kind words Andrew. I'd have to agree with you on the name...more amber than brown.

Kicked off the case with a cracker of a beer by Gibbo.

Beer: 21. Gibbo Trans Pacific IPA
Date: 10th August 2009
Details: 750ml crownseal Coopers bottle. Gold cap w/ label "Gibbo's Trans-pacific IPA 5.9%"

Served lightly chilled in pint glass.
Convincing psst on opening.
Dense creamy offwhite head floats majestically atop a copper body. Only the slightest haziness straightup.

Very nice hop nose, packed full of plenty passionfruit, ripe nectarine, grapefruit, pineapple and melon. Not overly woody or grass, which is always nice. Some malt hangs around in the background, biscuity and caramel-like, seemingly only to compliment the hops.

Moderate soft carbonation lends a smoothness to the texture, body is full and has a slight malt chewiness, though probably a bit less that expected from the style.

Once again hops are the main event on palate. Lots more passionfruit, ripe stonefruit and bitter citrus, very well intergrated with caramel malts. Finishes a touch grassy, clean yeast profile, hint of minerally dryness and reasonably high yet welcoming bitterness lingers.

Really well balanced hop and malt character, one of those beers that borders on APA and IPA; not as much body and bitterness as an IPA but certainly packs the flavour punch. Excellent beer either way, really sets the mark high for the rest of the case. Cheers Gibbo!
wow, cheers mate, this is the first feedback i've ever really had on my Homebrew, so i'm pretty stoked to hear all the kind words.
Knocked off a few more last night.

Beer: 23. redb - bo pils
Date: 12th August 2009
Details: 750ml screwtoo bottle. Gold cap "23"

Served chilled in pint glass.
Good pop, pours out quite a text-book finger of white foam atop a clearish gold body.

Clean malt nose, slightly cereally, pleasant hop presence; floral and herbaceous, with hints of vanilla and earthy spice.

Medium-to-lean body, relatively low carbonation, slight dryness balanced well with malt sweetness.

Vanillary maltiness upfront, nice sweet biscuity quality about it that I find quite tasty. Hops are subdued but in good balance, more floral notes, touch of herb, almost minty. Finishes with moderate-to-low bitterness, clean drying finish.

Beautifully balanced pilsner; lovely prominant malt flavours with some nice touches of hops. Incrediably quaffable and tasty. Cheers Redbeard!


Beer: 12. Stuster - Southern English Brown
Date: 12th August 2009
Details: 750ml screwtop bottle. Gold cap "12" 4.2%, Wyeast 1026

Served chilled in pint glass.
Loud psst upon opening. Pours a foamy light tan head atop a deep amber body with highlights.

Smell is a wee bit metallic upfront, leading me to think I may have one of those dreaded infected bottles that have been mentioned.
Looking past that, I get some roasted malt character; nuts, dark chocolate, dark grain bread, damp wood? ok that one is a bit wierd. Hint of spicy hop twang in there, but i'm really not sure.

Quite racy carbonation, body is reasonably light on, had a metallic drying note that leads on from the nose.

Interesting, and somewhat familiar (had a few infected/off beers of my own in my time) roasted malt character upfront; a twisted combination of dark chocolate, liquorice, cola and old leafy vegetables. Spicy finish, quite medicinal with hint of bitter orange leading onto a reasonable bitterness.

Couldn't really say what went wrong, but this certainly isn't as anywhere as bad as some of the beers i've stuffed up! It's still drinkable. And by the sounds of it I might just have a dud bottle. Thanks Stu.
3. Muggus - Imonab Oat Brown Ale

I am a little taste impaired this evening, but I wanted beer, and in particular this beer. Muggus, you have absolutely taken the award for the coolest name, so props, it took me a while, but not after I saw the label. Awesome!

Opened with a loud noise bordering a bang... and proceeded to pour with a truly epic foamwad:


The froth is more bitter than I expected and gives a big resinous spicey/piney hop impression.

On the nose I get some biscuity malt and a distinct note of proper strawberry which is interesting, kind of like a crumble dessert or something.

The taste is a big resin bomb upfront that dominates, but other flavours eventually become apparrent, notably that strawberry crumble thing.

I am really enjoying the mouthfeel, it shows that silkiness that you look for with the oats, and for a beer that I thought was going to be like champagne, it is definitely carbonated appropriately, enough but not overboard (no pun intended).

I think it is a little one dimensional for a sipping beer, and perhaps could be maltier, but I could drink a bunch of this, and would happily order it among exotic beers. It provides enough interest and drinkability that you want to go for more to clarify your thoughts on the matter as to exactly where the crumble is coming from.

Good work Muggus.
7. Bizier - Ming's Myrceness US IPA ~7%abv drink after Aug 15

Took a sniff as soon as i popped the cap, and i was impressed with what i could smell. piney resinous citrus goodness.

Pours golden straw, ambitious head that lasted the whole glass. Sweet caramel malt combined with mountains of stonefruit and lemon lime, cleaned out by what seemed like a lingering bitterness which was actually enjoyed. Didn't realise it was 7% until i was laughing a little to loudly at Tvburp.

Thanks for the beer, it was very much enjoyed.
I had Gibbocore's IPA last night and very nice it was too. I thought it was a pretty balanced beer actually. There was a good whack of hops of course, but the bitterness was very smooth and there was a nice body and maltiness underneath. The hops - initially the aroma seemed like gooseberries to me, then there was a grapefruit and brown sugar sort of taste/aroma, along with something like nectarine. Pretty complex anyway and way better than the all Galaxy beers I've tasted before. Nice and dry to finish and really an excellent beer to take the edge of a Thursday night. Cheers Gibbocore. :beer:

(After looking at the recipe again, I'm surprised as it didn't seem like such a high IBU beer. Guess that's the smoothness of the Super Alphas for bittering.)
I am a little taste impaired this evening, but I wanted beer, and in particular this beer. Muggus, you have absolutely taken the award for the coolest name, so props, it took me a while, but not after I saw the label. Awesome!
Cheers Biz! Thanks for the kind words and glad to hear someone caught onto the name. ;)
I had Gibbocore's IPA last night and very nice it was too. I thought it was a pretty balanced beer actually. There was a good whack of hops of course, but the bitterness was very smooth and there was a nice body and maltiness underneath. The hops - initially the aroma seemed like gooseberries to me, then there was a grapefruit and brown sugar sort of taste/aroma, along with something like nectarine. Pretty complex anyway and way better than the all Galaxy beers I've tasted before. Nice and dry to finish and really an excellent beer to take the edge of a Thursday night. Cheers Gibbocore. :beer:

(After looking at the recipe again, I'm surprised as it didn't seem like such a high IBU beer. Guess that's the smoothness of the Super Alphas for bittering.)

Cheers mate, yeah the Super alpha really are a smooth bittering hop, i've made the mistake of using them as a single bittering hop addition in a CPA and it was too smooth and neutral.
5. Gulpa - US Amber Ale

Pours a deep amber almost copper colour, with slightly off white head which persists and clings to the glass. Clear. Hoppy aroma with lots of pine and citrus some grapefruit. Nice malt and caramel in the background.

Flavourwise there's lots of hop goodness. Nice assertive hop bitterness. Hearty malt backbone to balance the hops well. Citrus, passionfruit, some grapefruit and pine. Initial sweet malt moving toward nice caramel flavours coming through. Superbly balanced, showcasing great hopping. Very clean. Medium body and finish with medium carbonation.

This is a great beer. Very sessionable.

Please send crateful at once.

13. Troy Dack - Belgian Golden Strong ~6.4%, bottled 05 JUL 09[/b]

Pours a darkish copper colour with a nice fluffy head that dissipates. Belgian aroma, seems phenyls are dominant with nice toffee malt in the background. Flavour is follows this, very nice mix of fruit and spice, some mineral with a nice toffee, slightly sweet malt finish. Gets some raisins as it warms a bit. Bitterness suits style. Carb is OK but could be a bit higher so it retains the head. Overall, very nice Belgian strong ale. Enjoyed it very much. Thanks Troy.

5. Gulpa - US Amber Ale

Pours a deep amber almost copper colour, with slightly off white head which persists and clings to the glass. Clear. Hoppy aroma with lots of pine and citrus some grapefruit. Nice malt and caramel in the background.

Flavourwise there's lots of hop goodness. Nice assertive hop bitterness. Hearty malt backbone to balance the hops well. Citrus, passionfruit, some grapefruit and pine. Initial sweet malt moving toward nice caramel flavours coming through. Superbly balanced, showcasing great hopping. Very clean. Medium body and finish with medium carbonation.

This is a great beer. Very sessionable.

Please send crateful at once.


Thanks Cortez. Very glad you enjoyed it.


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