2008 Castle Hill Competition

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My understanding is that "HR" wll receive a "card" with that on it. There are two types of ribbon- a grand champion ribbon and a regular ribbon. The Grand Champion ribbon is for major winners, eg Best in Show. From memory "first in category" gets a "card" plus regular ribbon. Details are on the entry form I think/hope

**Placing: A placing is awarded to the three highest scoring beers. In the event of a tie between two or more entries for a
placing, the fourth beer has been awarded highly recommended (HR) status.

Does this mean i will receive a ribbon?

I can't believe i came fourth in my first competition, woohoo!!
heh heh i think barry needs to enter these comps to get ribbons to make coats out of... he certianly couldnt need the feedback!! ;)
A card is as good as a trophy to me, I think I might even frame it. That just makes me want to do even more brewing. YAY for me.
Nice one, capretta. :lol:

Thanks for all the work you've put in, Chris. Happy to get a few places, especially for my Rats n mice beer. :D
A card is as good as a trophy to me, I think I might even frame it. That just makes me want to do even more brewing. YAY for me.
Congrats Eric!
Man I'm stoked. 3 of my 5 beers entered got awards!!! Straight to the pool room with those cards!
Congrats Eric!
Man I'm stoked. 3 of my 5 beers entered got awards!!! Straight to the pool room with those cards!

Congrats to you to Pete. Aahhh nothing like a nice pat on the back.
Thanks Capretta and Peter, it makes it all worthwhile. And a real thank you to Chris for his effort, time and patience. :icon_cheers:
I'm having trouble reading the results.

I assume it's category winner, then style. But there are numerous styles missing. Was there no entries in that style?

Also, There are no scores. It's not about 1st and 2nd etc. It's about how high your beer scored compared to the winner.. etc.

I'm interested in the scores for an 8B & 8C to compare the quality of the field.

Are the CH results always like this ?

I'm having trouble reading the results...

I assume it's category winner, then style. But there are numerous styles missing. Was there no entries in that style?

Also, There are no scores. It's not about 1st and 2nd etc. It's about how high your beer scored compared to the winner.. etc.

I'm interested in the scores for an 8B & 8C to compare the quality of the field.

Are the CH results always like this ?


you seem upset!! :)

i thought it was pretty easy to figure out, though maybe not the best spreadsheet ever!

doesnt look like style category winners were given, which comps do that?

also, i think unless the same judges are doing the whole lot a numerical score is largely irrelevant, a comparison within a single category may prove useful but to compare different panels/categories i think is not insightful..

which ones were missing?
Woah! Presidents Choice award! I'm deadset speechless!
Congrats to all who placed and a big thank you to all those involved in running and judging of the event!

...just FYI and perhaps the purposes of printing these place-getter "cards".. second place for the pilsner category should read "Paul", not "Peter", Lunney. ta! :)
Congratulations to all the place getters and a big thank you to those who helped run the comp.

Another spelling mistake regarding names, the second place getter in the light lager class and the first place getter in the dortmunder export class, surname is spelt Stieger not Stieber, just thought i's let you know as i dont want my first certificate to read Stieber.

Cheers guys and thanks again
I suggest you drop Tseay a PM with that info. Just to be sure as he may miss those posts and, as you say, you really don't want your first winning certificate to have the wrong name on. :(

And well done. :super:

Not upset just a bit confused.
I entered the NSW comp and was able to see the score for each beer entered. It meant I could see a comparison of where say Barry scored compared to me for the same style beer.
Without the score there is no way to tell if any beers entered here where outstanding (40+ out of 50 ) or that they just came 1st out of a low scoreing group.

I'm assuming that the same beers score would be within a few points (10%) across multiple comps based on quality judging.

Basically I'm trying to work out if my 104.5 point ESB in the NSW Comp would have been compedetive in the CH comp.

I'm more interested in trying to make a 120 point beer than getting a ribbon ( but maybe next year !)

Nice! Cheers to all the good folk who made this happen, especially Tseay for what must have been a tricky job.

I'm going to do this again for sure!
Thanks for the advice on names. I think this happened when names have been transferred from the entry forms to the database. I'll advise the Show Soc that changes will be coming but wait till the end of the week, in case there are any other changes. Especially likely changes of address.

We have not published a complete set of results , partly due to resources, plus we would need to get agreement from all entrants to do so. What happens in future comps will be up to the organisers. As far as comparing results to other comps is concerned, because of the growth in the numbers of entries (+75%)and the decline in available judges (-25%), we were obliged to limit the judging to two judges per beer, unlike the three judges per beer that we would have preferred. This has reduced the level of discrimination between beers and my guess is that intercomp comparision would not be as accurate. I think the best comparision would be the judges comments.

I understand that brewers are keen to understand where they ranked so I'll look into publishing a ranking report for each brewer, but it wont happen straight away.

Have all the feedback sheets been mailed out?

I am hearing some people comment that they received theirs early last week, but I have not seen anything turn up.

Should I be expecting anything in the mail?

PM sent
quote name='joshuahardie' date='Nov 4 2008, 09:41 AM' post='371945']
Have all the feedback sheets been mailed out?

I am hearing some people comment that they received theirs early last week, but I have not seen anything turn up.

Should I be expecting anything in the mail?

Well, those results were worth waiting for!

Thanks to all the organisers and judges - nice work, really good detailed feedback - I also like the official BJCP score sheet as it gives you a good idea of the judges experience as well.

Will definitely give it another crack next year.

To answer BOG's question - i think the "Explanation of Results/Placings" on the final page of the results sheet pretty much covers it - I had trouble working it out too, then it finally clicked... (every comp is different so its hard to keep track of how its all done)
"As per competition rules, an award is not made where there are less than 3 entries in a specific style or category.
However each beer is still eligible for a category and other awards. This explains why a beer may be placed in a
category but not in a style within the category. Similarly if there are less than three entries in a category, a category
award will not be made, but the beer still qualifies for higher level awards. E.g. Best in Show"

I agree, would be nice to see scores (no issue from me with publishing them), sounds like we might see them at some stage anyway.

Thanks again.
