FWIW, i also ran the "unbunch your panties" comment past my wife just to check/confirm my thoughts on it.
It is questionable as it specifically references panties, so specifically girl's underwear, inferring you're being a girl, inferring it's negative to be a girl. Hence, it's objectionable to girls/women who pause to give a **** about some random guy's comment, because it's basically implying being a girl is a negative thing.
Yes, it's a common phrase from years ago. I've used it hundreds of times, and other similar phrases. FWIW, i went through a learning curve during my 20's (& probably 30's tbh as well) to put my comments through a more refined filter. The filter is: "is what i'm saying basically implying simply being female or gay or a certain race/religion is a negative thing." If so, then i'm basically being a ****. I choose to go through life trying not to be a c.../prick. So i choose to use different ways to express myself where i'm not being a c.../prick to someone, regardless if i'm not intending to be - it's not all about me - and there's plenty of alternative phrases.
I also appreciate the c-word might be derogatory to women as well. Apologies, but it more accurately gets across the severity of the sentiment.
On the other side of the equation:
FWIW, stomping down on someone who has said something pretty minor who clearly isn't intending the offence it might cause isn't really helping anyone. It takes 2 minutes to politely explain why the words they used might be interpreted in a way they don't intend. At least give them the credit to think about it for themselves. If they want to be a dick about it from there, then that's something to take further. And also might be worthwhile not leaping aggressively to the defence of people who have already politely responded to someone who's posted reasonable negative feedback again is not really helping the situation - it all just becomes a ****-fight from there on and everyone walks away angry without learning anything.
All just my opinion, offered in good faith.
FWIW, my 2c on what happened:
The negative feedback was fair enough - someone's opinion given in a reasonable fashion. Might've been a bit strong in sentiment, but let's just say it simply conveys his disappointment at the time and at least isn't having a go at the organisers. It possibly could've been clarified "prizes" doesn't necessarily mean oodles of cash, and that a certificate might've been sufficient. In hindsight this might've headed off some emotions from the get-go.
The MM guys seem to have responded really well, particularly considering it was negative feedback on a huge gig that they would've slaved for many hours to see to completion. Credit to them for maintaining cool heads and taking it on board.
Their response was responded to in kind, discussion moved ahead reasonably well. Everything's peachy.
Then a couple of hours after it's all fairly happily resolved, a new post or 2 seemed to weigh in with additional emotions to muddy/antogionise the waters. Not really helpful, even if the best intentions were present.
Finally & most importantly, a massive congratulations to the MM organisers for running the IPA comp. It sounds like it was a huge success, and will be even better next year.
(& as a part-time, long-time MM member, i'll try to front a beer or 2 for next years comp. Honest! TBH, this/last year's IPA wasn't up to a standard i was happy with)
Edit: changed the c-bomb a little. Sounded like a good statement at the time, but not 20mins after posting [emoji6] ... Ironic example of needing to filter your words. [emoji1]
Cheers to TSMill for confirming a little twinge of doubt on how it was going to look to others [emoji57]