You're Not A Real Brewer Until -----

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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You take pictures of getting a good head.......... and you can publish them in AHB :lol:

I got some great Head the other night, didnt get to take any pictures though!! :( Would have been a great "Shot" :lol:
Until you have a yeast bank. B)
I was feeling adequate 'til that!
Also not a real brewer until
  1. you have gone through 2 or three mash tuns
  2. you've redone the brewery so many times that nothing remains from the original AG gear
Well its not mine but it was my local when i lived in Germany.

We had many a great night out here in the summers. You just don't find this atmosphere here in Australia
They used to do great grub and it was still table service. We just used to yell "PETER" and the owner/barman would trot outside and down the stairs to serve us.

Great Times. brew a beer have an infection.
3. your mates ask if they can buy a case off you... Sorry lad's but no.
4. your other half gets the shits with your brewing.
You're not a real brewer till' you've chewed on a handfull of hops
.... your wife can talk about her yeast infection in public with little embarrassment. :huh:
your wife bit@#es that its not a hobby your obsessed!
Take you eye off the ball, underestimate the power of the NASA, have a boil over and know how to fix it.

You attach a RC to your party keg. B)
Cut or burn yourself at some stage during every brew day. <_<

I seriously need to take a knife to my cubes at the joins, Especially around the handle. My knuckles are always being sliced to ribbons. Or maybe i should just invest in some rubber/work gloves instead?
buy one of those keg keys...$2.50 or there aboots !