You're Not A Real Brewer Until -----

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... you do the BIAB bag and hopsock in the washing machine and automatically put in the fabric softener in the rinse cycle. (I use fresh breeze from ALDI, gives the Bribie Bitter that maritime twang)
You dump half of your spent grain on your wife's foot while emptying your bag into a garbage bag she is holding....
You're not a real brewer until you ---
Brew a beer that kicks ass OR

Break Hydrometers and swear a fracto thing is no good cause it doesnt do FG.
Worse still, you visit Woolies Wanda range and buy a hydrometer that reads MAXIMIUM 1040 :blink: wow whatabuy.
Skimp on a pump, wear thongs or none, no clamps etc etc burns burns burns whilst brewing.
........................... you've left a HLT/mash tun/kettle/fermenter tap open and seen you're lovely sweet liquor/wort/beer disappear down the driveway.
DAMMIT if I didn't do it again yesterday..........

At your age .... :rolleyes:

Your not a real brewer until you read some of these misfortunes and don't at first lament, feel the pain, almost shed a tear ..............

then laugh :lol:

Ya gotta luv this obsession !
I think you're not a real brewer until you make a comment about not being a real brewer until you've (insert polarising topic here). And now having done such..........................
Why am I getting the "you might be a redneck" skit running through my head?
Dont know about this Ive only been brewing for a year or two, but sitting on my arse drinking in the sun with or with out said crate Ive been all over this for about 20 years. :lol:
Cheers Greg
When you go to the toilet and automatically open the laundry door to where the keg fridge is instead!
You're not a real brewer until you ---

Brew your own beer from scratch........... call it AG brewing if you like :lol: :ph34r:

It is !

Then a milk crate under a tree.


That milk crate owes me nothing Batz. ;)
It kept my gravity setup running smoothly before I finished my HERMES & is a TEMPORARY fixture in the Sharkbait Brewery Beer Garden until I rig up a folding table off the fence to hold my (non-drinking) wife's cuppas. :D
I get the best chair & the best table available & that is the way the pecking order works at my place. :lol:

Have made 100 batches

Pocket Beers,

I am afraid that seeing I have only got my 90th AG bubbling away, I am only 9\10ths (or 90%) of a real brewer. :(
