Your Not A Real Brewer Unless You Gotta

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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You're not a real brewer unless...

you have 73 different hops to choose from in your cold room ;)

Mmmmmm Ross....

or, that you actually know that there are 73 different types of hops.

You're not a real brewer unless...

- Your kegging setup cost more than your first car

- You have more beer on tap at home than your local does

- You have a "Periodic Table of Beer Styles" poster

- You can covert EBC to SRM (L) in your head

- You can convert Brix to SG points in your head :ph34r:

- You can estimate mash pH by taste

- You carbonate your kegs using "the Ross method" :p
Mean while muttering to herself...Not again. :D
You're not a real brewer unless...

you have 73 different hops to choose from in your cold room ;)

Mmmmmm Ross....

or, that you actually know that there are 73 different types of hops.

You're not a real brewer unless...

- Your kegging setup cost more than your first car

- You have more beer on tap at home than your local does

- You have a "Periodic Table of Beer Styles" poster

- You can covert EBC to SRM (L) in your head

- You can convert Brix to SG points in your head :ph34r:

- You can estimate mash pH by taste

- You carbonate your kegs using "the Ross method" :p

Damn - all but 2 - not a real brewer yet :D

cheers Ross
Vindication. I'm a real brewer :p
Will sleep easy tonight :beerbang:

Or you can stick your finger in the wort, taste it, then determine what the SG is....
Unless your wife loves ebay more than she hates your brewing.

your not a real home brewer unless......

you have thought of somethng great for ross to sell back to you and you think its a good idea and you need 2 of them!!!! :huh:


hehehehehehehe :)
PUMPY Was lucky?.. Doc..
His SHMBO Made him get rid of all those crates and bottles.......
Then made him go and get a keg setup...(OH To have a SHMBO like that)
I bet he misses those bottles :p
i dont think he does
Know all the words in the philosophers song..

Immanuel Kant was a real pissant
All together now
Who was very rarely stable
Your not a real brewer if you spend the time reading 4 pages of a home brewer forum thread about what it takes to be a real brewer :excl:

The horse called war that didn't read any and just went straight to the end :excl:
Jayse AKA 'War'
:excl: You know you're a real brewer when:

You have plenty of beer "bling" about the house;

You have lots of "appropriate" name-brand glassware to serve your beers in;

You hear that people are coming over in a few minutes, and U already have enough beer chilled to host a party;

You have AHB gear in the house (hat and/or stubby holders and/or stickers/magnets);

You post when you're drunk and don't give a rat's wotsit about speling &/or ettiket :lol: ;

You boast about the most insignificant sh!te, safe in the knowledge that you are superior;

You say that AG is superior, but encourage all brewers anyway;

You care enough about beer to become BJCP-accredited, to help other brewers with feedback, of course;

You have a supply of Cooper's Vintage that will allow a vertical tasting for a dozen mates;

You post more smilies than anyone else because you can ...(click and scroll down);

You're into "thread resurrection";

You're a "Beer Evangelist";

You can't stop typing when you're onto a great topic;

You can't make a German-style beer without a triple decoction;

You save and culture yeast from bottles even if you know that it's just a bottling strain, coz U might use it one day (e.g. LCPA, Schofferhofer);

You've been on this forum for so long that you remember some de-registered and banned former members, and why they got the chop;

You make your 1000th post to a thread that no-one will even be looking at tomorrow.

Beerz to all U "real brewers". Respect!!!

Sethule :p
hey happy 1000 weizguy,
I briefly read over your ****, sounded like you were getting at your not a real brewer unless you know every sock puppet peter from wagga has had :beerbang:

Alcohol fueled brewtality
Your not a real home brewer unless:

You pour a good jug from secondary just to take an FG reading and get half pissed by the time you have racked to the keg and have it in the fridge.

Your missus gives you ***** for spending so much time on this forum

Your missus gives you ***** for spending so much on brewing equipment

Got home tonight (gave my wife a lift home) and there was a box on the front door step. My wife looked at it saw it was addressed to me with a brew related postal address. Nothing mentioned. Nothing said. Sweet.


My last three deliveries were sitting on the doorstep when I got home from work. Mrs B. must have been out the back when they came. Here's hoping when the nasa arrives on monday it will be the same.


hey happy 1000 weizguy,
I briefly read over your ****, sounded like you were getting at your not a real brewer unless you know every sock puppet peter from wagga has had :beerbang:

Alcohol fueled brewtality

Thanks Jayse, ATOMT.

Jayse, I have been getting some Brewtality into me lately, on your recommendation. Will I ever be the same again?

The comment was about Peter...and a certain monk's antics (and some other stuff)!

Seth out :p
You've been on this forum for so long that you remember some de-registered and banned former members, and why they got the chop;

The quote I was talking about for those in the dark.

The comment was about Peter...and a certain monk's antics (and some other stuff)!

Your not really a brewer unless you have sat in on a conversation between the pimples on the monks and peters but cheeks.

Which one has more puss?

The battle of evermore.
The battle of evermore.
know all Zep's songs and lyrics (and can play at least 6 on the Bass)


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