Winkles Brewday 26 Sep

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Quick decisive action is required = blame, InCider!
PS: are you allowed out tonight?

Unfortunately Mrs Chappo knows InCider far too well and had he turned up I would have had the perfect excuse... (that's how we got banned being mates in the first place! :p )

Yes I'll see ya tonight Winkle! Will be bring Mossy because otherwise we will wimp out like Sqyre the Bush Hermit :eek:
Winkle & Anna - kegs and curries.
Chappo & Fist of Addonius - keg and home made sausages
Sqyre - Should have a couple of half full kegs i can bring..along with the Barrel Smoker BBQ... ;)
TidalPete + keg Smoked Schwarzbier + 2 dozen cackleberries
Campbell & Hannah - Bacon for brekkie. Nibblies. Keg?
NickB - Keg + nibbles (What can I bring???)
Scoundrelrogue- few bottles IPA and Amber ale. maybe a whole baked fish? (fancy firing up the weber this weekend winkle?)

SR, we can foil up your fish and chuck it in the Smoker.. :icon_drool2:

Sqyre.. :icon_cheers:

Hey Sqyre... have you tried smoking some hops? Just wondering what that would do to a beer.
Unfortunately Mrs Chappo knows InCider far too well and had he turned up I would have had the perfect excuse... (that's how we got banned being mates in the first place! :p )

Yes I'll see ya tonight Winkle! Will be bring Mossy because otherwise we will wimp out like Sqyre the Bush Hermit :eek:

Wimp out of what???? :huh:
I was actually serious! I mean hop flowers and dont mean inhaling them.

Just wondering what the smoked hop flavour would be like in the beer!
Wimp out of what????

Anything remotely beery socialable you hermit... :eek: :lol: (got one bite lets see if this hooks the big fella up? Shyte who's got the net?)

Can't use 10 kids and a loving wife as an excuse for too much longer :rolleyes:
Anything remotely beery socialable you hermit... (got one bite lets see if this hooks the big fella up? Shyte who's got the net?)

Can't use 10 kids and a loving wife as an excuse for too much longer

Nah... your Right Chappo... :)
Sorry Perry i'm gunna have to pull out of the Brewday due to somethingerother... :rolleyes:

Sqyre... ;)
:( No I'm not Sqyre I'm never right! Ask anyone! I'm sorry I brought it up now...

Shit that was easy... No Wonder your nuts are kept in your missus's coin purse... :lol:

Sqyre.. :p
Pffft coin purse! Try lawn bowls bag! I was well hung until she had me spade along with the dog. Little p.rick could at least lick his shrivelled sack for comfort :blink: . I got frozen peas! :lol:
the old man is coming ( mums dropping him off, and we all know what this means don't we children?) :icon_drunk: :party:

smoked fish. :icon_drool2: ...i need to change my shorts.
At last count.......

Winkle & Anna - kegs and curries.
Chappo & Fist of Addonius - keg and home made sausages
Sqyre - Should have a couple of half full kegs i can bring + Object D'Smoke.
TidalPete + keg Smoked Schwarzbier + 2 dozen cackleberries
Campbell & Hannah - Bacon for brekkie. Nibblies. Keg?
NickB - Keg + nibbles (What can I bring???)
Scoundrelrogue & Supervisor - few bottles IPA and Amber ale. maybe a whole baked smoked fish,
plus a bunch of probables turning up for a few hours.

I must remember to behave myself tonight drinking Octoberfest beers and get home in time to start at 10/11am.
There's a pile of golds and VBs in the outdoors fridge that I saved you from last weekend, Chappo :p.
At last count.......

Winkle & Anna - kegs and curries.
Chappo & Fist of Addonius - keg and home made sausages
Sqyre - Should have a couple of half full kegs i can bring + Object D'Smoke.
TidalPete + keg Smoked Schwarzbier + 2 dozen cackleberries
Campbell & Hannah - Bacon for brekkie. Nibblies. Keg?
NickB - Keg + nibbles (What can I bring???)
Scoundrelrogue & Supervisor - few bottles IPA and Amber ale. maybe a whole baked smoked fish,
plus a bunch of probables turning up for a few hours.

I must remember to behave myself tonight drinking Octoberfest beers and get home in time to start at 10/11am.
There's a pile of golds and VBs in the outdoors fridge that I saved you from last weekend, Chappo.

Winkle you're a gentleman amongst thieves. VB and XXXX Gold in the one Pint glass :wub:

Behave Mr Winkle, lest you get Mrs Winkles knickers in a knot before the main show. Good news is I will be staying later than first forecast as by some miracle Mrs Chappo was softened up by the chance of a shopping expidition with best friend (also a donation of shopping money may have helped? ;) )

Wonder if NickB will nuding up and doing the Harold Holt around the bar again? :huh:
Ah, "The Dance of the Flaming Ar*eholes" I'll book him in as the post footy entertainment :party: .
Behave Mr Winkle, lest you get Mrs Winkles knickers in a knot before the main show.

No sweat Chap Chap, its just me and Campbell with a bunch of cheap German beers at the Bel tonight, what could possibly go wrong :rolleyes: .

We should do a phone link to the Northern Brewerhood brewday in the arvo. Anyone got Pat's number as well?

Edit: thanks Katie (wrong thread I know)
Anyone got Pat's number as well?

I've got that covered.. i know for a fact its Tattooed upside down under Mrs Sqyre's right boob.. so when shes in the mood she just flips it over and love is just a call away...
I will wait untill she is asleep.. then i will jack the end of the bed up untill her boobs flop out the window behind her, then i will quickly runout side with a torch and write it down... Couldn't be simpler...
Unless of course her tit gets snagged in the water tank again... :huh: then i might just have to check her phone... :(

Sqyre.. ;)
How many days are you staying for Sqyre? :p
Have a great day guys, just waiting on Gregs word for a phone in, probably won't be able to get decent mobile coverage so I'll PM you a number Winkle if that's ok and you could PM me yours.


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