Why's Your Brewery Named What It Is?

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Barking Hound Brewery
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Hey all..

Just wondering why you've all called your brewerys what you have?

Mines the Barking Hound Brewhaus because on both sides of our house live dogs that constantly bark. No doubt helped by my dog running up and down the fences, but can't be held responsible since she doesn't make a noise. At least that's what she thinks/tells me.. :huh:

Must be some good stories out there.. :chug:
Mine was originally called DR's Orders Brewing.
DR as they are my initials and Doc is my nickname so DR's (Doctors) Orders Brewing.

My mates have come up with all the slogans, eg Take a perscription from the doctor.

Now it has evolved to Doctors Orders Brewing.

My grandfather put his age up and joined the Queensland police force at 16 years of age in about 1918, becoming the youngest ever serving Queensland police officer, retiring after fifty odd years in the force as Inspector. He had three christian names, John Samuel Valentine and he used to have the initials JSV embroidered on the pocket of his white shirts in white script, just visible and not garish. The Family Crest for the Surname is also on the Label.

So Inspectors Pocket Brewery

and my JSV Tribute Porter.
The Old Garage Brewery because I brew in my Old Garage. :D
Goatherder Brewing, cos I have a few goats, so that makes me the goatherder.
There's a bat in the brewery
At least there is when I am in there

My nick name is Batz :p

The "Pussers Tavern and Brewery" because of the Naval theme and memorabilia, also called the Pussers piss bar or 'Wets'.
I used to design sports footwear and people used to call them 'Pumps' (I once made a pair of Boxing boots for 'Muhammed Ali 'and Cricket boots for 'Geoff Boycott'.

Pumpy :)
Doghouse brewery - I brew under my house, which is where my girlfriend sends me when I'm drinking with my mates and she wants some peace. - She's sending me to the doghouse.
A group of us wanted to open a brewpub in S.W England under the name Avalon Brewery (Authurian legends were another common interest), but never had the finances - in the meantime the names were applied to my homebrews, some of which were intended to be protypes for the pubs beers (particularly Lyonesse).
The "Craphaus"

If you've ever seen my garage the name speaks for itself... mmmm.... rotting weatherboards and leaky asbestos roof. (Warren stifles a cough) :lol:

It doesn't get any better than that. :beerbang:

Warren -
The part of Castlemaine that I live in is Winter's Flat, no more than 300 meters from the original Fitzgerald Bros brewery, now known as Castlemaine XXXX.
So Winter's Flat still makes beer, but a better beer in my opinion :p

Not an official name (I am just not into such things), but I have been known to refer to my gear as the Lazy Man's Brewery because .... well, I am such a lazy bloke.

Means that most things are motorised/automated so I don't have to lift too much.

Not an official name (I am just not into such things), but I have been known to refer to my gear as the Lazy Man's Brewery because .... well, I am such a lazy bloke.

Means that most things are motorised/automated so I don't have to lift too much.


"Bigfridge" wouldn't come from that rather large piece of equipment you have in your garage? :D

ok guys, how bout a couple of pics of your brewhouse too. I reckon I would easily win the award for dodgiest brew house in Australia...
Looking the goods there Coodgee. All the mod cons and state of the art table legs.

If only I could get my brewery to the same high tech standard... :p

Being folically challenged, has led to the nickname "Fester" Hence Fester's Fermentary.



[Edit: Following BigD's lead.... Franko's effort on my behalf....]

When I brew, my boofhead dog likes to help, and if he is moulting at the time, there is fur everywhere, hence Hair of the Dog Brewery.

It's my special secret ingredient in every bottle.. (except for the xmas case beers) :lol: