The whole "homebrand" choice is an interesting consumer decision.
I buy homebrand when ever possible. for example:-
Weetbix - a "different" taste to regular weetbix, but IMO not inferior.
Milk - we always get home brand
nappysan - always home brand
however- I've never dared to try the home-brand home brew cans... I wonder why?
I have also wondered where they come from?
I'd almost guarantee they come from a "real" home brew factory --- like coopers or tooheys.
I've seen homebrand bread made on exactly the same bread lines as the other loaves you pay 4x as much for.
It's amazing the "value" of a "pretty" package.
Yet, I still haven't tried homebrand homebrew myself.
I ask myself, when I'm paying top $$$ for the "fancy" homebrew cans.... am I just paying for art work and marketing???
I have made many tooheys darks.
Blind taste tests back to back against coopers ..... I can't pick the difference.
Yet, once again, I know if they are both on the shelf at the same price, I always buy the coopers kit.
The "consumer" brain is a funny beast.