Whats Your Favourite/best Kit Can

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Sorry if this is stupid, what are isohops?
But you see Nick, Coopers have a Co-Gen plant (basically a Concord jet engine spinning a generator), the wast product is heat, enough for all the brewery, free heat means boiling doesnt cost money.
Ok I get that you dont like kits and Im an AG brewer to, but youre making wild sweeping generalisations without a factual basis to work from. If you want a contention to stand prove your case. I thought kits were made from Iso, I put that question to Coopers and I was wrong, if you search you will find my apology for spreading disinformation for so many years.
There are lots of reasons to use Iso, the main one is consistency big brewers want every batch to be the same Iso allows very precise control. There is no variation, the product is standardised as is the (generally boring) beer made from it.

Iso-Hops are extracted and purified Alpha Acid (the main bittering part of hops), this is then chemically Isomerised, converting about 30% of the Alpha Acid into Iso Alpha Acid, the balance being un-convert Alpha Acid and other hop oils (depending on the process used).
Can be added post fermentation in very exact doses to provide precise bitterness control, generally not thought of as a nice tasting bitterness, regarded as harsh and two-dimensional
thanks for asking that TmC i was too nervous too.. you say you brew at work haha were do you work? awesome boss?
Not really. You edited my post to say "My point was, the stuff in SOME cans is isohop."

I still say "My point was, the stuff in MOST cans is isohop."

I'd happily put $100 down that 9 out of 10 (or more) cans are isohopped, most wholey. Even the Coopers ones (which are the only ones anyone has any faith in being hopped with actual hops).

That just ain't some, it's damn near all.

I'll freely admit that my edit of your post needed either clarification or to be made better.

The rest however I think is a lot of assumption based on nothing. You may be right. I don't know. There are some premium kits out there such as ESB and brewferm which might possibly use real hops too. I don't know and neither do you.

You said a=b. I suggested a doesn't necessarily = b and provided some back up information.

Your betting tendencies make very little difference to the fact that you don't know enough to state for sure and therefore, I would argue, you shouldn't. If what you mean is 'most kits are probably isohopped and adding your own hops to an extract kit is a good method of brewing' then I wouldn't think twice about responding as I'd probably agree.

You've even gone so far as to say coopers isohop ALL of their kits bar one. Again - based on what? If you know something say how and why. If not, don't make sweeping statements based on assumption.

'Fairly sure' is at least as good as I'd bet $100 that nine times out of ten...." or 'I think it's safe to assume'

@Tmc: isohops are hop oil extracts containing the bittering compounds from hops. They can be used by commercial and homebrewers to bitter or adjust bittering in a brew. Think of it as bittering juice.

isohop is a hop extract. It's what the breweries use to bitter/flavour their beer. :icon_vomit:

EDIT: Bugger You Manticle! :D
Wallace, in all fairness its far from all breweries that use Iso, CUB do but most of the worlds beer is still fully kettled.
thanks for asking that TmC i was too nervous too.. you say you brew at work haha were do you work? awesome boss?

Yeah pretty awesome boss, work at a Fruit and Vegy Wholesale Centre, i was brewing at home and gave him a brew which wasn't too bad, mid you he was drinking xxxx gold and he said he would let me brew at work if i gave him a case of beer a month.
good form haha wish my boss was like that.. actually i dont think even if my boss was awesome they would let me brew in a school or jail haha
Yeah pretty awesome boss, work at a Fruit and Vegy Wholesale Centre, i was brewing at home and gave him a brew which wasn't too bad, mid you he was drinking xxxx gold and he said he would let me brew at work if i gave him a case of beer a month.
I have awesome bosses too.... but not "that" awesome!!!

I guess you work in a very small place where something as unusual as letting an employee brew at work doesn't end up with other employees getting jealous.

I'm jealous .. and I don't even work there!
:p Mostly female co-workers (another perk) so they dont mind, as long as i keep it tidy, two of them even like the smell of wort :lol:
:p Mostly female co-workers (another perk) so they dont mind, as long as i keep it tidy, two of them even like the smell of wort :lol:
I'm not sure that female co-workers are always a perk.

Female co-workers can be easy on the eye .....
and I know that some guys are drama queens ... but IMO guys are usually more forgiving and don't play the same mind-games that females do.

The girls who are great sports and fantastic to work with .... but some of their sisters need rocks thrown at them.
i often see the tooheys kits always wondered if they are worth the time of day? Opinions?

Used about 15 cans of the dark last year . Supermarket was ditching them at 5 $ a pop. cans of liquid sugar 2$ .
Woolies have had the draught and lager at 8$ recently so have another 12 tins .
I mix up 3 tins at a time
1 kg of honey
1kg light or dark malt
1 kg of dextrose or the liquid tins
split into 2, 30 litre up to 27 mark.
2 cinnamon sticks a barrel 50ml of ginger extract cordial from health food shop.
40 to 80 grams hops whatever type .
I rack after 1to 2 weeks another 10 days and bulk prime .
tried coopers yeast and tooheys yeast side by side . Coopers yeast fermented longer clearer and better all round .
Makes 6 cases . I have about 15 to 25 cases down so i dont drink under 3months .
No complaints here .
i often see the tooheys kits always wondered if they are worth the time of day? Opinions?

I've done the Tooheys Special Draught a couple of times with BE2 and US05 yeast as an easy drinker.

Now that I know how to brew it to a consistent taste, I often add some hops for a different flavour and aroma to get an idea of different types of hops and how they change a beer.

The coopers pale ale (green tin) also works well as a hop tester.

I like the draught but I don't like the Tooheys lager. Then again I don't like the Coopers lager (original series- yellow tin I think?).

The Coopers European Lager though is pretty good and the yeast is forgiving for a lager yeast. You can brew it at around 20 C and still get a nice clean lager like finish.
I'm thinking the whole debate about what kits/brands are isohopped is getting a little off topic.

(I started reading this thread to get some good suggestions about kits that other people have enjoyed, and it's turned to rubbish.)

Back on topic... I must say I am a fan of Coopers APA, done with a BE2 done with US-05 yeast @ 18deg. Doesn't taste like the commercial version but a good quaffer none the less.
(I started reading this thread to get some good suggestions about kits that other people have enjoyed, and it's turned to rubbish.)
Lucky you were here to regulate then!

The quality of the ingredients is irrelevant. Gotcha.
Any love for the ESB kits? I am drinking the Czech Pilsner atm and its is really popping out as a great beer. So, guys worth the money?
I like the black rock lager, put one down today...actually a dry lager, I find the hop flavours are quite nice and you you only need to throw in some BE2 or dex and LDM to get a very drinkable brew.
I like the black rock lager, put one down today...actually a dry lager, I find the hop flavours are quite nice and you you only need to throw in some BE2 or dex and LDM to get a very drinkable brew.

I have an out of date can that i would like to use, do you have a specific recipe that you like? I was just going to put it in with some BE2 and maybe dry hop if it needs it. I made one yesterday with the can and 500g sugar to 9L, sort of a 2.3 can :kooi:
I have an out of date can that i would like to use, do you have a specific recipe that you like? I was just going to put it in with some BE2 and maybe dry hop if it needs it. I made one yesterday with the can and 500g sugar to 9L, sort of a 2.3 can :kooi:

this is a recipe I have used for a while, makes a nice strong lager.

Black Rock Dry Lager
Dextrose 1kg
Maltodextrin 250gm
Raw Sugar 2 cups
DDM 100gm
I used the kit yeast with a little extra ale yeast( about 2gm)
Brewed around 15-16c for 14 days.
ABV in bottle 5.5%
Bottle condition for 8 weeks.
YUM :icon_cheers:

This is a favorite of my brother who downs TED like its water.