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Coopers Stout tin plus a 3kg mash of BB base malt and some sugaz to take it to 5.5%
No extra hops except for a pinch of pellets to help with nucleation points for the hot break during the boil.
Irish Ale Yeast.

Turned out to be a smooth, malty porter style.

porter partial.jpg
Amber ale.
3.5kg MO
250g each of
Medium crystal
and rye
Magnum, cascade and citra to 38 IBU
Citra dry hop.
19L, 5.1%
As usual heaps of haze, don't care. I strive for flavour.

Has a solid malt presence, smooth bittering from the magnum, a nice sweetness from the citra dry hop.
A sort of dry finish, maybe the rye ? Not sure, only used it twice.
Not as dark as I was expecting for an amber ale, but again, flavour is more key.

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droid said:
"Next Door Neighbours APA" a toned down version of sorts but with so much mosaic on hand, all the hops for 40ibu were chucked in at 40minutes and a large whirpool addition as well. So am quite sure that the neighbour will still refer to it as poofter beer, coz you can taste stuff, like hops - weird

mate that looks and sounds amazing. if that's a poofter beer then consider me one!
Thanks! that's very nice of ya, it's a pretty good drop even if I say so meeself. don't think the neighbour will get a chance to comment on this one
A 'Leftovers' IPA for me today. Hoping a few of these will dull the anticipated pain of watching the Dees this afternoon.

This beer cleared out a lot of hop leftovers from the freezer.
Horizon at 60minutes.
Centennial, Galaxy, Mt Hood, Chinook and Citra cube hopped.
Dry hopped with Galaxy, Citra and Chinook.

Best beer I've ever made.

Kumamoto_Ken said:
A 'Leftovers' IPA for me today. Hoping a few of these will dull the anticipated pain of watching the Dees this afternoon.

This beer cleared out a lot of hop leftovers from the freezer.
Horizon at 60minutes.
Centennial, Galaxy, Mt Hood, Chinook and Citra cube hopped.
Dry hopped with Galaxy, Citra and Chinook.

Best beer I've ever made.


Have had similar experiences batch roasting left over coffee beans, could make a fortune if only I kept notes of those blends. Looks like we got a tight finish coming up in SC too mate. Good luck.
Galaxy/Melba Ale


Australian Pale Ale

Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 21.0
Total Grain (kg): 4.559
Total Hops (g): 58.70
Original Gravity (OG): 1.048 (°P): 11.9
Final Gravity (FG): 1.012 (°P): 3.1
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 4.72 %
Colour (SRM): 5.7 (EBC): 11.3
Bitterness (IBU): 20.9 (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 70
Boil Time (Minutes): 60

Grain Bill
3.016 kg Weyermann Pale Ale Malt (66.15%)
1.143 kg Wheat Malt (25.07%)
0.200 kg Gladfield Toffee Malt (4.39%)
0.200 kg Simpsons Amber Malt (4.39%)

Hop Bill
7.3 g Galaxy Pellet (13.4% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (0.3 g/L)
7.3 g Galaxy Leaf (13.4% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil) (0.3 g/L)
9.1 g Galaxy Leaf (13.4% Alpha) @ 5 Minutes (Boil) (0.4 g/L)
13.0 g Melba Pellet (10.2% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil) (0.6 g/L)
22.0 g Melba Pellet (10.2% Alpha) @ 0 Days (Dry Hop) (1 g/L)

Misc Bill
10.0 g Whirlfloc Tablet @ 10 Minutes (Boil)

Single step Infusion at 66°C for 60 Minutes.
Fermented at 20°C with Danstar BRY-97 American West Coast

Recipe Generated with BrewMate

Not overly bitter,nice light fruit flavours.and a slight toffee flavour ..
Oatmeal stout (dodgy phone camera)

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Was quite pleasant. Not overly creamy or bitter but had minor chocolate notes and hints of some of the late UK hops used. Once warmed up, much more complex and each element can be tasted. Not overly dark though - slightly translucent and a deep auburn with a hint of red. The grain bill didn't have a lot of roast in it and to my palate it's not acrid enough. Will go the motor oil route next round. Though at 5% I can enjoy a few in a row and it's not too foreign for common drinkers.
Unfortunately the keg lost pressure through the main seal for about a day so now it's a bit oxidised.
This one I made for Christmas last year. I was aiming to make an easy drinking beer to share around. Unfortunately around that time I was on meds so never enjoyed this one. I was letting a few relo's take bottles home and fortunately due to someone quitting alcohol, 2 bottles recently came back.
I think I used light and dark crystal, light DME and PoR hops for that familiar Aussie swill kinda taste.
I'm really enjoying this.
Strong caramel flavours coming through.
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TheWiggman said:
Oatmeal stout (dodgy phone camera)

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Was quite pleasant. Not overly creamy or bitter but had minor chocolate notes and hints of some of the late UK hops used. Once warmed up, much more complex and each element can be tasted. Not overly dark though - slightly translucent and a deep auburn with a hint of red. The grain bill didn't have a lot of roast in it and to my palate it's not acrid enough. Will go the motor oil route next round. Though at 5% I can enjoy a few in a row and it's not too foreign for common drinkers.
Unfortunately the keg lost pressure through the main seal for about a day so now it's a bit oxidised.
I'm no expert, but losing keg pressure still shouldn't let any oxygen in.... there should still be a layer of C02 (being heavier than air) covering the beer even at atmospheric pressure.

Happy to be corrected, and it still looks like a cracking beer.
case swap
fURQnELL lager

not bad for a first go I spose - the name Is better than the beer eh? but then ive always been big on presentation and ***** on content hehe

magnum to bitter and saaz late
100pils malt
Got back from holiday, my ordinary bitter which has been conditioning in the cask for 3 weeks no longer ordinary but exceptional, my plum porter needed more plum content so now renamed Brown Porter, and my Murphy's stout clone finished fermenting 10 days ago, will now be going into the cask for conditioning for a couple of weeks but already looking and tasting good.
My effor at an Arrogant Bastard clone using 2-row, caraaroma and a touch of carapils. Despite my crap photo main difference between the two colour wise is filtering. Stones is much clearer. Malt profile is bang on in my limited experience of this beer. Hops are close but mine is more floral/piney and a tad less bitter but very very close in a side by side. I'm super happy with this beer and will be Brewing it again regularly. I will definitely gelatine the beer next time to clear it and maybe shift some of the late hops back to early additions.

Coopers lager tin with steeped carapils and a bit of caramuinch. Hopped with Mosaic. Tad over bitter but not bad
But... I made beer that looks like beer, smells like beer and be buggered tastes like beer! First time for everything right!

Edit: Terrible photography
FWK Oktoberfest.

Wanted to try my hand at proper (not half arsed like my last try) lager fermentation, without stuffing another AG brew. Long slow 3 week ferment, followed by a good d-rest, then a crash.

It tastes delicious. Hasn't cleared yet. Time will tell if I can keep my grubby hands off it long enough to let it lager properly.

chrisbroadie1985 said:
Coopers lager tin with steeped carapils and a bit of caramuinch. Hopped with Mosaic. Tad over bitter but not bad
But... I made beer that looks like beer, smells like beer and be buggered tastes like beer! First time for everything right!

Edit: Terrible photography
for a moment there I thought it had a straw in it