The Vicelore Brewery

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Hey guys

Well i started my brewery last night.

Using some heavy duty Galv steel L for the build as i cannot weld. I herd this woudnt rust and would hold up to the heat well.

Im going to be adding a extension to hold my HLt then run a March pump from the MT to the Kettle. As well as some supports in the middle.

Here is a pic of what we got done last night.

It wasnt a kit of any type so a fair bit of cutting was done last night with a VERY blunt hack saw.. and yes i would kill for a drop saw..

Cheers Vice

If I've learned anything from recently putting together my almighty brewery ('The Lab') it would be that you are probably going to want to change something one day. I shudder when I see the welded frames some people have built before they've done an AG batch yet - once it's welded it's pretty much final (save for a lot of work).

I reckon I've moved the shelves on mine twice now, and will probably move them again until I get it just the way I want it.

My advice: make it adjustable. Mine is basically a giant Mecanno set (which frankly, I love).
Yea mine is fully adjustable.

I will be putting supports in the middle . At the moment i can have me and a mate stand on each end without any movement but the middle is another story.

Ill draw up some plans and post them ASAP.
Looking good Vice...

I just recently picked up a complete RIMS system - was planning on building up a system myself, but an excellent deal came my way.

Should have it up and running in a couple of weeks (currently building a shed to house it all), but am feeling a little like I am cheating by not doing the build myself.

That said, once I have knocked out a handful of builds I am sure I will bend the system to my own tweaks which will personalise it.

Look forward to seeing updates on it.

Looks good, consider a $15 100mm angle grinder from Bunnings, very handy to have around
Just drew up a rough plan of what i was thinking.

I shudder when I see the welded frames some people have built before they've done an AG batch yet - once it's welded it's pretty much final (save for a lot of work).

Nah I'm the opposite. A hit with the MIG takes bugger all. And the 4" angry grinder will quickly undo things.

Maybe laziness, maybe arrogance I don't know. This time it's the right spot for sure :)

You should see how many times the brewbot has changed shape or mount points. Drilling all those bolt holes and fiddling with nuts and bolts would have been more hassle. Each to his own.
Drilling all those bolt holes and fiddling with nuts and bolts would have been more hassle. Each to his own.
Hence the Uni-Strut (a.k.a. Mecanno) construction. I can pretend I'm a child again for the nuts and bolts. No drilling for me. Nice little demo on that page.
Looking good vicelore, where did you get your uni strut from and what where the $/m?

:icon_cheers: SJ
The Mech Engineer in me says: Think about it for a long time, then some more, then do it right first time.

Then the Boilermaker in me says: Measure it, cut it, fizz it, bolts are for people who can't weld...:p
The Mech Engineer in me says: Think about it for a long time, then some more, then do it right first time.

Then the Boilermaker in me says: Measure it, cut it, fizz it, bolts are for people who can't weld... :p

measure twice, cut once, measure again, swear and throw the ruler, start again ;)
My frame was constructed out of a similar shelving/bracketing thingy as well and I'm glad I did since it's evolved numerous times over the years. I've been able to work/modify the original rather than build/weld together a whole new frame from scratch. I figure once I'm settled on a design i will construct it out of stainless steel but until then I'll keep tinkering.
Hey Vicelore, Looks like a great start. out of curiosity, where'd you source the Galv L from? I too am searching for a welding alternative, and figure wood just doesn't make sense around an open flame. thinking the unistrut would be sweet, but that's gear is pretty dear from memory.
It came from bunnings.

I think all that stuff shown in the pic cost me around the $100 mark. Fairly heavy duty and strong from what iv seen.

Cheers Vice.
I just bought a shelving unit from Bunnings for my bottles, and the whole lot can be constructed with nothing more than a hammer (which can also be readjusted to any size & height, also with a hammer to 'unwhack' the joins. The suggetsions are that you can make an 1.9 metre rack (like I did) or even a 900mm high corner rack. Bloody good idea, dead easy to construct, no nuts & bolts, no welding, and is rated to hold 400kg, all for under $100.00.

I'm going to get another one of these for my balcony garden, but I could see that it would also be a good AG shelf too.

As a side note, those 6packs do not contain crownies :)

I just bought a shelving unit from Bunnings for my bottles, and the whole lot can be constructed with nothing more than a hammer (which can also be readjusted to any size & height, also with a hammer to 'unwhack' the joins. The suggetsions are that you can make an 1.9 metre rack (like I did) or even a 900mm high corner rack. Bloody good idea, dead easy to construct, no nuts & bolts, no welding, and is rated to hold 400kg, all for under $100.00.

I'm going to get another one of these for my balcony garden, but I could see that it would also be a good AG shelf too.

As a side note, those 6packs do not contain crownies :)

View attachment 23838

I looked into the shelving units but coudnt decide on width, height etc. so i went a custom job.

Cheers Vice

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