The Sausage Thread

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bradsbrew said:

I use the Aldi version of that. Good way to get started, it does the mincing and also the stuffing. They are not the best way of doing it. If I ever get serious I'll get a dedicated sausage stuffer to help ensure minimal air etc so I can start doing salamis. But for a few kg of sausages every couple of months I'm happy with mine. Plus I can get cheap rump and make my own decent grade mince for about the same price you pay for cheap mince at the shops.
QldKev said:
I use the Aldi version of that. Good way to get started, it does the mincing and also the stuffing. They are not the best way of doing it. If I ever get serious I'll get a dedicated sausage stuffer to help ensure minimal air etc so I can start doing salamis. But for a few kg of sausages every couple of months I'm happy with mine. Plus I can get cheap rump and make my own decent grade mince for about the same price you pay for cheap mince at the shops.
Jeez kev, what's wrong with ya mate, you don't like to eat premium grade all beef sinew / gristle with a dash of sodium metabisulphite to prevent oxidation, lashing of first grade fat from who knows what and beef (ingredients appear in order of quantity), and all for a miserly $9.00 a kilo........

Pussy. :lol: :lol:
QldKev said:
I use the Aldi version of that. Good way to get started, it does the mincing and also the stuffing. They are not the best way of doing it. If I ever get serious I'll get a dedicated sausage stuffer to help ensure minimal air etc so I can start doing salamis. But for a few kg of sausages every couple of months I'm happy with mine. Plus I can get cheap rump and make my own decent grade mince for about the same price you pay for cheap mince at the shops.
Thanks Kev. I thought if I can get one for fifty bucks it would be a good way of seeing if I like making my own sausages. If I was to get into salami I'd get one of the stuffers.

citymorgue2 said:
ok 50kg of sausages and salami are being made by brendo and myself this saturday. all natural, no cures being used. thin cases.

spreadsheet with recipes and suppliers is attached for peoples reference. Going with PJs Meat this. I will need to go back through the thread at some stage and find a butcher that will sell the half pig at the same price as the shoulder and not keep the ribs etc to themselves for the same price. still 50kg of snags and salami for about $400 isnt bad.

The straight chicken recipe we have substituted a wit we made instead of chicken stock. equal quantities have been substituted. next time we will made some beef and stout snags or something. gotta incorporate the brewing somehow.

Sausage List June 2013.xlsx

pics will follow
PJ meats by far the cheapest in the north. Are castricums still on bussiness?

bradsbrew said:
At 25c if you don't bye it I will!
castricums are still in business but they didn't get back to me in time. Because my order was over $100 with pj it was free delivery. Although they arrived at 6:15pm tonight instead of 4pm. Not exactly happy about that.

Goood prices but next time Ill haggle for the wholw half pig ribs etc and cut it down myself.
I use to work at castricums many moons ago.

I found the boneless meat was cheapest at any butcher. I being a boner earlier in life thought I could get bonein meat cheaper. Did the comparison at pjs and cheaper boneless. Unless you go for a full or half beast, not sure about that.
Wolfman said:
At 25c if you don't bye it I will!
Ended up getting 1 for $51.00 delivered. Looks like its sausage making next weekend. Thai chicken sausage anyone, smoked pork n apple :icon_drool2:

I blame CM2.
9:10pm. Still going. 50kg slightly ambitious. Photos tomorrow
What the best part for chicken sausages? Thigh, breast or buy a whole chook and strip it off the bone? I was thinking thigh because its a bit fattier. (is fattier a word?)
bradsbrew said:
What the best part for chicken sausages? Thigh, breast or buy a whole chook and strip it off the bone? I was thinking thigh because its a bit fattier. (is fattier a word?)
chicken is a pita to work with. Ymmv...

I think thigh. Less chance of drying it out and you can get away with a dryier mixture. We did a 50/50 split of thigh and breast. Will posy up our learnings shortly. Main point is probably that a proper stuffer probably speeds things up infinitely.
I make my chicken snags with thighs which I get with the skin on. Without the skins I find it still a bit dry. Push the skins through as well.. perfect.

Yeah cause peoplw had nitrates hundreds of years ago. People read the salami thread on ahb. More info on there than youll ever need. I did post a recipe on previous page for salami. If u arent using nitrayes then u have to do things diff so the meast can breath and dehydrate and not go rancid.

Horses for courses. If u want to use nitrayes then use them. I dont want to as its not needed. Same as cures in dausages are fkn ridiculous if if make rhem and freeze them. Each to their own
I've just been watching this: gotta get a sausage machine, I'd like to be serving kids snags that I know the contents.

What's a cheap good sausage maker to get? I'll need a mincer and pusher.
Picked up a length of dry casing at the butcher the other day, made by Johnson and Johnson aparently. Do I need to rehydrate it before use?

bradsbrew said:
Picked up a length of dry casing at the butcher the other day, made by Johnson and Johnson aparently. Do I need to rehydrate it before use?

is it natural or collagen? Collagen u use dry.

We used collagen cases the other day. Easy to work with.
Collagen. Thought so, thanks CM2. Just waiting for the sausage maker to arrive now.
Tony M said:

This recipe is for Boerewors - "a spicy sausage that no self respecting BBQ can be without, if you can't make it yourself, ask your local butcher to make some for you, you won't be sorry . . ."
1.5kg beef
1.5kg pork
500g bacon, diced
25ml salt
5ml ground pepper
50ml ground coriander
2ml freshly grated nutmeg
1ml ground cloves
2ml ground dried thyme
2ml ground allspice
125ml red wine vinegar
1 clove garlic, crushed
50ml Worcestershire sauce
85g sausage casings
 Cut the beef and pork meat into 1.5 " cubes and mix it with all the other ingredients except the sausage casings.
 Grind (mince) the meat using a medium-course grinding plate
 Fill the sausage casings firmly but not too tightly with the meat mixture.
 Can be fried, grilled or barbecued over coals.
Makes 3.5 kg
Peter Thomas
Got a batch of this done this morning. Smells good, the vinegar is overtaking my fridge.

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