T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

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#1 QuantumBrewer - Not-so-Irish Not-so-Red

Poured an opaque dark "not so red" brown. My guess is if this were clear you'd get some lovely red hues when looking through the glass into a light.

Malty aroma with no noticeable yeast esters, small white head with low to medium carbonation. Clean flavour initially of the hops followed by malt which dominates the subtle bitterness. Gets better as it gets warmer as a good beer should.

Did you end up using Rye in this beer? I thought I remember you saying you would and it was something I was searching for. As I haven't tasted a beer brewed with Rye previously and figured it would stand out but if it's there it's subtle or perhaps it's masked by the crystal?

An enjoyable beer. Cheers and thanks for sharing! :icon_cheers:
Had Raven's Robust Porter last night. Shared it with legham. Unfortunately I had bad hay fever at the time and my nose was full of mucus. So didn't pick up much on the aroma and flavour was a little subdued to me. From what I could get from it I liked it. Legham also liked it a lot too.
MaltyHops - Belgian Blonde

Nice amber colour, a little hazy. A vigorous pour gave me a nice fluffy head that faded but lasted the length of the glass. Spicy aroma with phenols in the background. The phenols take over on the flavour - a nice sweet mouthful. Maybe could finish just a tad drier? What was your OG and FG? I enjoyed this beer a lot. Not enough people brewing good belgians!
Thanks Kieren,

OG was 1066 and FG was around 1030 corrected to 1007 using the refractometer
correction chart I posted HERE - raw FG reading seems high and corrected value
seems low so maybe it's somewhere in between. It tasted pretty sweet at end of
primary so I put it into a secondary cube for another week at around 25C temps
- got going again and still tasted sweet when that stopped. Maybe the 500ml starter
was too low or a high level of unfermentables got generated by the mash. Anyways,
can always have it with dessert :D

Thank you for posting your case swap review comments - and to everyone else
too who have posted reviews - it will help me improve my tasting of beers.

It's not an over powering sickly sweetness at all. Could be just the esters and phenols put out from the yeast that gives that impression of sweetness?
nice colour and clarity, light malt aroma, light hop aroma,lovely hop flavour. firm bitterness that lingers. a nice dry finish. nice beer

Jesterdarts Amber
nice malt aroma, caramel and choc. nice body, sweet malt with the caramel and choc again, great malt depth with a good bitterness. some background hop notes. def malt focussed and def a nice beer

AussieJosh Brown
some nice dark malt aromas and flavours, well balance beers. I got some fairly high esters adding a touch of fruitiness in the coopers dark style. nice beer, easy to drink

Brown Peas n corn
some nice roast and choc aroma, spiocey esters and spicey alcohol. the alcohol aroma is adding a belgian characteristic for me on the nose. noticeable alc on the palate but also that choc and roast with some nice yeasty notes as well.

Simma APA
some nice caramle malt aroma, lovely hops aroma, good mouthfeel towards the full side, nice caramel malt flavour with a firm bitterness. nice hop flavour but a slight stringency to it for me. not detrimental though. a really nice beer and the pick of the weekends beers for me but I'd definitely be recommending a little less crystal or a drier finish as I found the finish a tad cloying.
Simma APA Amber Ale
some nice caramle malt aroma, lovely hops aroma, good mouthfeel towards the full side, nice caramel malt flavour with a firm bitterness. nice hop flavour but a slight stringency to it for me. not detrimental though. a really nice beer and the pick of the weekends beers for me but I'd definitely be recommending a little less crystal or a drier finish as I found the finish a tad cloying.

Thanks for the feedback RK, I'm glad you enjoyed it. This recipe is an ongoing project of mine, I'll take on board the advice regarding the finish.
Rooting Kings - Brown ale

Light brown/dark amber in colour, hazy but cleared up as the beer warmed up. Esters and caramel in the aroma and a background earthiness. The malt sweetness carries through a little followed by esters pushed out by the yeast - english I'm guessing, 1187 or 1469??? (no idea really). Nice beer to have after outting in my resignation. Thanks RK.
Amin's APA

Cracker of a beer this one imo. Clear, nice hoppy aroma. Good malt backbone but the bitterness shines through well. Medium to low carbonation, good head retention too.

A very tidy beer Amin. :icon_cheers:
Boston - 10min IPA

Low carb, slight haze, golden/orangy colour. Strong american hop aroma, piney, woody, citrus and malt sweetness in the background. Great flavour too, malt and sweet hops. Might be picking up a little oxidation but can't be sure. Finish hangs around for a while too :) A fine beer.
Nevalicous' South Pacific IPA

Another cracking brew. Nice sticky maltiness works well with the initial grassiness, moving into slight mouth puckering bitterness. Light brown to golden in colour, medium lacing down the glass with a thin head. Excellent mouthfeel, medium carbonation with a cloudy haziness.

I would not change this at all next time you brew it mate.
Nevalicous' South Pacific IPA

Another cracking brew. Nice sticky maltiness works well with the initial grassiness, moving into slight mouth puckering bitterness. Light brown to golden in colour, medium lacing down the glass with a thin head. Excellent mouthfeel, medium carbonation with a cloudy haziness.

I would not change this at all next time you brew it mate.

Excellent news. Its funny, but all of the extra bottles I had left over from the batch have held a head the whole way down the glass...

Anywho, apart from my house Coopers Ale which I'm freakin addicted to, this would have to be my best AG to date (out of the 10 I've squeezed out so far)

Just sayin'

Glad its being enjoyed. And yes, I have all of the hops etc ready to have a brew another keg of this soon! Wooot

13. Kieran's IPA

Golden in colour with medium carbonation, good head retention with plenty of lacing down the glass.

A tasty malt backbone, which is smothered in plenty of hoppy goodness. Late slickness and mild grassiness at the end of the palette.

I get a fruity, very lightly spiced hop aroma, a very nice IPA Kieran.
Excellent news. Its funny, but all of the extra bottles I had left over from the batch have held a head the whole way down the glass...

If I recall correctly, the first few pours had good head and retention, I probably commented on the last bit of the longneck!
Sitting down to a beer and it's my first golden ale at a case swap.

Gunna's DSGA (his acronym, not me being a smart-arse)

...i would happily drink a lot of this beer".

an I have.... :p
and thanks for the recipe !!

"My only criticism is that i only got a stubbie and not a longneck...... :p

And that batch is almost gone.. :icon_cheers:

Tried #8 last night, and #13 tonight.
I decanted #8 into a glass jug and poured a glass. Slightly over carbed but Bitter eh.. :blink: could get used to that taste - very nice. Thanks Phillip
Tonight decanted # 13 and not quite as bitter, nice and clear but slightly under carbed for me but again very nice drinking. Thanks Kieren.
Might have to try brewing this style
2. Peas and Corn's Brown Ale

Low to no carbonation on my bottle. I get almost green apples initially with a mildly acrid finish. Clear but dark brown in colour. Light mouthfeel, lingering mild bitterness.

Not too sure what to make of this one P&C, I hope it was just my bottle?
2. Peas and Corn's Brown Ale

Low to no carbonation on my bottle. I get almost green apples initially with a mildly acrid finish. Clear but dark brown in colour. Light mouthfeel, lingering mild bitterness.

Not too sure what to make of this one P&C, I hope it was just my bottle?

Possible. I filled from the keg so maybe there was some bottle shock going on.
Bugger, I should have drank it straight away and not waited a few weeks!
Kieran's IPA

Had this a few nights ago and didn't get around to jumping online. Did i read somewhere this is 100+ IBU? Didn't seem that high. The malt easily handled the bitterness and the hop flavour and aroma was sublime. Thoroughly enjoyed this beer :icon_drool2:

Currently drinking #23 Amin's APA

Another very tasty beer. It has a lot of malt for an APA which is how i like it. Colour definitely heading towards amber and that would explain the extra maltiness. Hop bitterness is well balanced and the flavour is quite forward. Aroma is lovely. This is how i like my APA/AAA to taste, not hop juice but a well balanced beer. Reminds me of a golden ale with caraaroma as the crystal. :beer:

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