T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

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Hi MaltyHops. I'm finishing off one of my bottles (after using the other half in a beef and stout stew mmmm :icon_drool2: ). So here is a review of my own beer as promised.

11. Mayor Of Mildura - Stout

Jet black colour with a thin tan head. Heaps of coffee/choc in aroma. Initally tastes quite fruity but finishes quite roasty. Strange smooth mouth feel (due to low carb). I quite enjoy this (if i don't say so myself ;) )

Cheers me.

I plan on serving this beer at room temperature...

Low carb, warm stout..... Ah feck it, off to grab it now.
I shared it with my brother last night MOM. The ONLY complaint from both of us, was that it was undercarbed. The ONLY one. Excellent stout mate.
1. QuantumBrewer - Not-so-Irish Not-so-Red

Deep coppery brown colour. Nice white head that drops and persists. Not much aroma, slight malt and a touch of solvent. A little Malt sweetness in the taste with almost a kittish metallic twang and not much else.

Sorry QB I sound very harsh. I've not tasted an Irish red before. Don't get me wrong and take my review with a pinch of salt. If this is what an irish red is meant to taste like then I'm not a fan.

Cheers Mate (also sorry for any punctuation or grammatical errors)
QuantumBrewer - Not-so-Irish Not-so-Red

My last bottle of the swap :(

More amber than red - not out of style though. Small head and low carb. I get a little green apple in the aroma behind the caramel malt and yeast esters. Mostly yeasty esters through the flavour with some malt. Cheers.
Bunch of neanderthals complaining about a perfectly carbonated stout...... :ph34r:

I, for one, loved very minute of it. :icon_drool2:

A wonderfully creamy stout without the harsh roast edge that mine is currently showing (along with a dozen other faults). This is what i wished mine tasted like. Malty but dry, creamy without being full of that overhyped nitro marketing gimmick. Coffee without the full on espresso you can get when you overdo roasted barley/black malt.

In other words, the perfect dry stout which would have been ruined with a single extra CO2 molecule :icon_cheers:

If you haven't already posted the recipe i would love to see it.
Thank you, Mayor - appreciate every each review. Now, how can we make this contagious? :eek:



#4 Hatchy's sort of NWPA experimentale

This is from memory because I drank my last bottle of this a couple of weeks ago so don't have one sitting in front of me now. It was badly overcarbed due to bottling it before it was ready. There was something not quite right with the hopping which made it taste a bit odd to me, I was pretty close to pulling out of the swap because it really wasn't a beer I was happy with but it was the only thing I had in bottles at the time. I'll have something better next time.

Out of 5 hop cigarettes I give it a 2.

# 13 Kieren's standard pale ale (at 105 IBU)

I can only taste 104 if the IBUs so I reckon you left some hops out somewhere. I also think it was quite mean bottling this in a stone bottle, I thought someone had left a stone smoked porter in my fridge until I looked at the bottletop. It's a bit overcarbed but it's still easy enough to get into the glass. A bloody delicious beer as I expect from you.

I give it 4 out of 5 hop cigarettes, I marked it down partly because of the carbonation but mainly because of taunting me with the stone bottle.
Sorry QB I sound very harsh. I've not tasted an Irish red before. Don't get me wrong and take my review with a pinch of salt. If this is what an irish red is meant to taste like then I'm not a fan.
More amber than red - not out of style though. Small head and low carb. I get a little green apple in the aroma behind the caramel malt and yeast esters. Mostly yeasty esters through the flavour with some malt.
Cheers for the comments fellas. I'll get back through the list and read the reviews properly (and try to actually find time to drink some of the beers that have no doubt matured in my absence).

@MOM - no hard feelings. Horses for courses; not everyone's going to like every beer. Your review reads pretty close to where this beer is at (not quite Irish Red) and it's not everyone's cup o' <insert beverage>.

@Kieren - cheers also; I'll have to actually crack one of mine open and see where it's at before I comment back on any of these reviews, which should be tomorrow night.
# 13 Kieren's standard pale ale (at 105 IBU)

I can only taste 104 if the IBUs so I reckon you left some hops out somewhere. I also think it was quite mean bottling this in a stone bottle, I thought someone had left a stone smoked porter in my fridge until I looked at the bottletop. It's a bit overcarbed but it's still easy enough to get into the glass. A bloody delicious beer as I expect from you.

I give it 4 out of 5 hop cigarettes, I marked it down partly because of the carbonation but mainly because of taunting me with the stone bottle.

I didn't bottle any of my swap beers in a Stone bottle. I reckon that may have been a Belgian-Ameriacan Pale ale. You were probably only tasting 50 IBU's or so. My swap beer is in a blank coopers longneck with "W 13" on the cap.
Thanks for the kind words guys. I'm glad that people are enjoying my beer.

Here is the recipe for those that are interested. I was aiming for something like coopers best extra.

BeerSmith Recipe Printout - http://www.beersmith.com
Recipe: coopers stout swap
Brewer: mayor of mildura
Style: Foreign Extra Stout
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (35.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 25.00 L
Boil Size: 30.82 L
Estimated OG: 1.056 SG
Estimated Color: 81.8 EBC
Estimated IBU: 58.3 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 65.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
5.60 kg Pale Malt, Traditional Ale (Joe White) (5.9 EBC) Grain 79.43 %
0.50 kg Wheat Malt, Malt Craft (Joe White) (3.5 EBC) Grain 7.09 %
0.40 kg Roasted Barley (591.0 EBC) Grain 5.67 %
0.25 kg Chocolate Malt Pale Thomas Fawcett (886.5 EBC) Grain 3.55 %
0.15 kg Carafa III (1034.3 EBC) Grain 2.13 %
0.15 kg choc chit (700.0 EBC) Grain 2.13 %
70.00 gm Pride of Ringwood Flowers [10.00 %] (60 min) Hops 58.3 IBU

Single infusion mash @66 for 60 minutes and mashout @75
This was fermented on a yeast cake of coopers yeast from a previous coopers pale ale.
The choc chit was some left overs that i had in my grain stash. next time i'll use all pale choc. Talking about pale choc that thomas fawcett pale choc is great stuff.

Maybe next swap we could have a recipe thread as well? There were a few beers from this was that I would like to see what went into them.

Hatchy you crack me up.

5. Gunna - English Brown Ale/Aussie Pale ale

I tried the English brown first. Clear copper colour. Low malt aroma. Dry malty flavour. I found this a little astringent and the bitterness a little harsh. Over all though an easy drinker not too bad.

Then I cracked the Aussie Pale Ale. Hazy pale golden colour. Small persistant white head with nice lacing down the glass. Fruity pear aroma. A little malty sweetness in flavour followed up with a nice refreshing bitterness. This is an awesome beer!

Cheers Gunna
9. Goofinder - Brown Porter

Deep Mahogany colour. Creamy head with lacing down the glass. Subtle estery aroma with a bit of roast. Dry roasty flavour with some fuggley goodness as it warms.

Super beer Gooey. I could drink this till it came out my ears.... nom nom nom
Well it looks as though i scored a bonus bottle of phils IPA. Thanks dude. That was the last swap beer for me. so no more waffling on for a while. Thank you everyone for your efforts. Another great swap and I can't wait for the next one!!!

Rooting King's Brown Ale

Enjoying this while making a batch of beer and reading a comic involving Dinosaurs. Poured with a thick white head that stayed around for a while. Some good malt body, though it probably would have gone better with some more hop flavour. A little overcarbonated as well, but that's no biggie. A nice beer.
Hatchys NWPA

Impressive carbonation for champagne, a little over the top for beer... :p

Loved this beer once it settled down, to me it is a well balanced pale ale with a nice malty backbone to support the hops (how you managed not to add a kilo of hops with Phillip and Kieren in your ear is beyond me). Loved this beer, what hops are in it?
Hatchys NWPA

Impressive carbonation for champagne, a little over the top for beer... :p

Loved this beer once it settled down, to me it is a well balanced pale ale with a nice malty backbone to support the hops (how you managed not to add a kilo of hops with Phillip and Kieren in your ear is beyond me). Loved this beer, what hops are in it?

Cheers mate, it's southern cross with a bit of galaxy (all I had at the time) at flameout off the top of my head. I'll try to remember to put the recipe on here next time I'm on my laptop.

AussieJosh's Dark Ale

Cascade and EKG- a pairing of hops that aren't usually put together. However, getting hops from different regions can work together if done correctly. Here it's done well- though most likely because the hops are somewhat downplayed in favour of the malt. This is a really interesting beer to drink, because it has so much going for it. When I start drinking it, the beer is quite sugary sweet. Not annoyingly so, because there's some roasted malt lingering in the background to make sure that it doesn't become cloying. In the aftertaste there is some ashen burnt flavours I would normally hate but work well in this particular beer. An interesting beer.

AussieJosh's Dark Ale

Cascade and EKG- a pairing of hops that aren't usually put together. However, getting hops from different regions can work together if done correctly. Here it's done well- though most likely because the hops are somewhat downplayed in favour of the malt. This is a really interesting beer to drink, because it has so much going for it. When I start drinking it, the beer is quite sugary sweet. Not annoyingly so, because there's some roasted malt lingering in the background to make sure that it doesn't become cloying. In the aftertaste there is some ashen burnt flavours I would normally hate but work well in this particular beer. An interesting beer.

Thanks for the review P&C! :)

Being a relatively new AG brewer i was just experimenting, and glad the beer did not turn out tasting ****! I put the two hops together because i have had a few dark beers with EKG in them and i remember having a dark ale from the USA with cascade in it at the wheatsheaf that i very much enjoyed! For the next case swap i may try putting some hops together again that dont normaly go with each other? if i do ill tast it first to make sure its not crap!

P&C I got two of your beers. The first one i opend had no carb at all :( But honestly still tasted good! Cause i had another in the fridge I used about 250ml of the first one to make beer can chicken! i put the beer in an empty coke can added some garlic, chilli and other herbs in to the can then shoved it up the chooks ass! After about 90mins on the webber i used about 200ml of the hot beer mixed with some gravox chicken gravey powder. Everyone at the BBQ loved it! Best Gravey ever!!!

The second bottle opend a few weeks later had a little carb to it! I drank all of this one and it was a top drop! :)


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lol. It looks like your chickens are doing naughty things in your Webber! :eek:


AwesomeFury's... beer.

I assume it's yours, had 'af' on the cap. Poured clear, with a nice amber colour and a dense head. Aroma is... beery. It's pretty much the smell you associate with a typical pale ale- that... beer smell. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. Or maybe not. The flavour isn't typical though, as it has some nice hop notes in there, with some hop flavour coming through. To be honest I would have preferred it if the bitterness was edged off a little more, letting the hop flavour shine a little more. This really tastes like a 'less in more' beer when it comes to bittering additions. A nice session beer.


Goofinder's Brown Porter

Poured not as dark as it seems in the pic. Flavour seems a little too leaned towards roast barley-like characters to really fit properly into the porter category. I would say that it's a light coloured stout more than a porter- but it doesn't matter very much here. I must admit here that my fridge cools beers too cold and my appraisal tends to be affected by this. I'm trying to warm this beer up because I know that it would be better drank at a warmer temperature... but I'm having troubles because I'm enjoying the beer too much! Apart from the roastiness, there's a general nice malt body to the beer that I'm enjoying a lot. The hops sit back and let the malt speak for itself, providing bitterness without being intrusive (though I imagine some of the bitterness comes from the roast grains). Enjoyable!

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