T.a.s.t.e. 2011 Close-enough-to-get-to-adelaide Autumn Case Swap Threa

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JestersDarts - Autumn Amber Ale

Nice deep copper colour, very slight haze but pretty clear. Small and lasting head, low-med carb. Cold out of the fridge I didn't get much off the aroma, after warming up a little I got some malt. Ditto on the flavour, had to let it warm up a little and got some caramel malt and tiny bit of hop sweetness in the background. Finishes clean. I real easy drinker, well brewed beer. However I like my amber ales to have a bit more 'meat on the bones'. I love an amber ale which is a battle of big caramel, toasty malt and big hops struggling for dominance. This is just my preference though. I enjoyed this beer for what it is and could easily have a long session on it but I would gravitate towards a beer with more 'meat' if available. Again, really well brewed beer, cheers.
@ Amin
I have 20 odd bottles of Belgian Band Aid Blonde if your mates are still thirsty. :icon_vomit:
2. Peas and Corn's Brown Ale

Low to no carbonation on my bottle. I get almost green apples initially with a mildly acrid finish. Clear but dark brown in colour. Light mouthfeel, lingering mild bitterness.

Not too sure what to make of this one P&C, I hope it was just my bottle?

Halfway through this one at the moment. Bad form, but this only my 4th beer from the swap I've had...

Actually very nice beer mate. If I was to pick on one thing (and I'm not very good with picking up flavours except...) I'd say initially it has acetaldehyde, but doesn't hang around too long. Only a little at the front of the palate. Great beer otherwise. Never had a beer like this (relatively new to the whole AG etc), very nice easy drinking. I get the spicy alcohol and esters too I believe RK was talking about.

Seems from the few beers I've tried with Acetaldehyde present, I am one of the unfortunate souls able to pick it up even if its only very slight... :unsure:

Excellent beer mate.
2. peas_and_corn - Brown Ale

Umm rad. sorry dude not much feedback as i have been drinking too much watching the wedding. was ok though.
20. simma - Hoppy Red Ale (American Amber)

again sorry dude i have been drinking all afternoon and i can't review this properly. but it has a nice sweet aroma and a very easy drinking taste.

cheers mate.
Pretty sure Desiree teared up...

Pretty sad really...

On another note... MaltyHops. I love the Belgian Blonde. As others have said, not quite blonde, but bloody nice. Lots of wheat in this yes??? Has a wheaty kind of taste (sour-esq) and spicy belgian qualities. Lubberly (I'm **** at describing flavours)

@ Amin
I have 20 odd bottles of Belgian Band Aid Blonde if your mates are still thirsty. :icon_vomit:
If its free they will drink it; 6 people in the house one with steady employment.
Gday Nev, glad you enjoyed the "blonde" - yes it has wheat malt but only 4% afaik :D

Wedding is over now so back to the land of the coherent for me.

6. MaltyHops - Belgian 'forgot to do the roots' Blonde.

Slightly hazy palish amber colour. Beautiful belgian yeasty aroma. Spicy sweet (a bit out of balance) bubblegummy flavour. Alcohol warms on the way down. This is a good beer that i enjoyed but if it was a tad less sweet it would be superb.

Cheers MH!!
Dang!!! I'll just have to go back to the drawing board and try brewing this again. :lol:
Damn what a pain to have to battle through another batch of belgian blonde ... if you need a hand testing the next batch let me know. :D

Just drank your stout while cooking dinner... pity bout the carb becuase it is a real nice toasty burnt flavourome stout! I was thinking of trying out my new carbonator cap to carb it up.. but I ended up drinking it all! Cheers
simma - Hoppy Red Ale (American Amber)

Very low carb, loose head. Pleasant aroma, a mild mix of caramel malt and citrus hops throughout. Easy drinker. Well enjoyed. Though like I said, I like my AAA a bit more aggressive - just a personnel thing though..
Nevalicious - South Pacific IPA

Perhaps should have drunk this sooner to get it at its freshest best but hop aroma doesn't seem to be effected. Big grassy, passionfruit and melon hop aroma. Malt takes a back seat but there is just enough there. Hops carry through nicely on the flavour, more grassiness as it warms up. Has a lightness in the finishes and finishes quite dry with a good bitterness bite at the end. Supremely drinkable IPA. Great work Nev. What was the hop bill on this one? Don't worry found it (thanks to maltyhops' article editing).

QB's Irishish Ale

I'll be honest here and say that Irish Red isn't my favourite style. It's a little too sweet for my liking, once beers start getting into the red colour, I prefer that it gets a bit more malt body. That said, this is an enjoyable beer. While as a brewer and lover of craft beer I like drinking extreme beers, having a beer that's just enjoyable to sit back and drink as a session beer or something to drink while lounging on the couch (or in this case, in front of the computer) is always welcome. For me, this is what this beer works well for. It's not heavy on any particular flavour, be it bitterness, maltiness, cloying (though it verges a little into this territory) or hop flaouvr (which is largely absent, though it works here). An enjoyable pint.
Goo's Brown porter

lovely aroma (subtle at first with that nice dark roast, borwn malt which flows through to the flavour, some malty sweetness. smooth. nice dry finish with some lingering bitterness, I got some nice yeast esters too perfectly balanced and I loved the nuttiness in the malt. one of my favs from the swap. A nice way to finish it off. Cheers.
Hi MaltyHops. I'm finishing off one of my bottles (after using the other half in a beef and stout stew mmmm :icon_drool2: ). So here is a review of my own beer as promised.

11. Mayor Of Mildura - Stout

Jet black colour with a thin tan head. Heaps of coffee/choc in aroma. Initally tastes quite fruity but finishes quite roasty. Strange smooth mouth feel (due to low carb). I quite enjoy this (if i don't say so myself ;) )

Cheers me.

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