Again - it's bad form to attack the person when you disagree with their post. Attack the post.
Considering some of your posts thats risible
Apart from that, this is basically why I disagree with you.
1/ How can you tell is an Aussie craft brewery is making good beer unless you buy it from time to time, which is rather the point of the thread.
2/ who wants a copy of another beer? Urquell do a wonderful job of making Urquell, I am far more interested in someone making a pilsner but taking a new look at it, good pilsner doesnt have to be a clone of something you like to be good beer.
3/ malt and hops dont even make the top 5 in the cost of making beer Excise, Labour, Energy, plant capitalisation, packaging and often even waste disposal are far more important costs, and small businesses are going to be far more heavily impacted by them than are larger operations
4/ following from your statements, all of Australias micro breweries should shut down immediately because they will never be able to either make exact copies of your favourite beer or make a fair imitation at a discount price.
Personally I suspect that you miss the whole point of the craft beer movement, which is to my mind to explore new and interesting styles, to craft unique beers using (in many cases) Australian ingredients to make uniquely Australian beer. I and probably everyone here (well-1) would I think want to encourage the development of the craft industry, we all know that some of the efforts arent world class, nor were I suspect the early efforts coming out of the American craft scene, but if no one drank their beer it wouldnt be where it is today.
All over the world there are small independent brewers struggling to make a living, some will and some wont that is the nature of business, they are also turning out some of the finest beer it has been my pleasure to drink.
I have the good fortune to know a Belgian beer importer; we have been getting to try some of the beer coming from the Belgian craft brewers, unlike anything coming from anywhere else including the much vaunted American micros, the same can be said of the better Australian efforts it is truly unique.
If we want the craft brewing movement to continue and to improve we need to support it.