Standing up for the Aussie Bottler
Why can't we discuss the merits or problems with your Brewery Charity Scheme? Is there a rule on forums that a request made is polar? That we may only either do, or not do?
Products must win buyers on their promise to be better or cheaper than the competition - I see little evidence of the Megaswilleries ousting a beer that deserves to remain on the shelves. The product slips when the buyer is "buying local" not "buying best" - this is socialism, not capitalism. If they "have their market" they give their market swill. This attitude is why we have VB.
LC(PA) got bought because they made a great beer. There are a few others - but we all know them.
Let's have a quick look at the Aussie wine on the shelves of Dans and ask ourselves, "Why is the same not happening (happened) with Aussie beer?" The answer to that question is where you need to focus your beervangelic energies.
Just to make sure you know - I am fully behind your push for maximising variety in our available beer selection - I just think you might be going about it in the worng way.
No I'm afraid you are still missing my point.
IF you see a beer, brewed in AU, that you think has some potential (ie forward thinking), buy a stubby to avoid not ever having any choice beyond squires/LC as our answer to good beer.
Of course you can discuss merits of something realy, really simplistic if it pleases you but at least stick to the point.
I, like you, often avoid AU beers because I've had my fair share of gushers, crap or would just rather buy originals as opposed to imitations. Never tried a good AU dubbel for example and would sooner drink westmalle dubbel than Beechworth.
I'm not talking about supporting AU over import though. I'm talking about making an effort to add an AU to your shopping basket (one bottle) that you don't think is complete rubbish to stop it from getting sunk. If you think it's rubbish, I would in no way encourage you to buy it - rubbish needs to be thrown out.
What I don't want to see is the market dictated to us by the big players - the exact opposite of your slightly naiive summary of what capitalism is (as opposed to what it should be). I quite like what it should be. **** beer at the bottom, good beer at the top. Unfortunately there's a bit more to it.