Bought a new brew fridge yesterday, and when I say bought, I mean it was an old vaccine fridge at a pharmacy and was available for free.
Picked it up with a brew-mate, Troy, with his car and trailer. Took it back to his house for examination and testing, as it's still difficult to get to my brew area due to flooding/storm runoff water.
Being technically adept with refrigeration equipment (which is an admirable quality and much encouraged), he quickly determined which component was causing the fridge to function abnormally, and had it up and running in about 20 minutes, or it felt like about that short a time. I hope he'll correct me if I'm way off the mark.

edit: A Goggle search has this to say about this fridge model: "Vestfrost VF-
FKG410 all the way from Denmark is regarded within the industry as one of the most reliable refrigerators of all time, truly an A1 buy."
True dat!
Tested the fridge for fermentor fit (the clamp/ring for the conical's lid seemed to be the widest point), and the fridge was not deep enough, so Troy suggested a wooden collar, like a keezer might have, and an offer of having a look at it later.
Later that evening, he sent me pics of his work, with the now spacious fridge and the lid clamp fitting well in the unit.
Great job, Troy. Thought I'd show some respect here for your work. [ A+, exceeds expectations.]