Hi Cocko,
I'm about to put together and electric kettle and want to include sockets on the conduit boxes like you've done. Did you source those sockets (C14, I think?) anywhere in particular? The IEC standard rates them for 10A at 70c, so I'm wondering if there'd be overheating issues with it drawing that current for extended periods of time, in close proximity to the hot elements? C15/C16 is rated for 120c so might be a better bet, but I don't have a heap of derelict equipment with those connections lying around to be cannibalised (plenty of stuff I can rip a C14 socket off, though).
Also, are those boxes waterproofed?
Good stuff PF!
My next step:
Stand painted, control box mounted and wired [For now]... HX will be made up in the coming months...
For now:
View attachment 55653
3x 2400w inside kettle:
View attachment 55654
Went hard plumbed MT:
View attachment 55655
And please excuse the blur - but for those days when you need to fly sparge with only one pump:
View attachment 55656
Stay tuned for final HERMS config.
Mate, that is a very tidy looking rig! Fecking awesome.
I sourced all the parts from Jaycar, I have no idea of the ratings and/or what the 'C' number references you are making, sorry.
I can tell you they don't melt. I was going to go the aluminum boxes, as you will find in a post from QLD Kev in one of the element threads but figured if the box was going to conduct heat, metal would be worse....
On the flip side mate, my big bertha kettle had the plastic boxes housing the electrics, and they started to soften - so I went aluminum boxes. Yes they get warm, but work a treat for me now.
My elements are 2400W ceramics which hold a lot of heat (low density), a large contribvuting factor in my metal housing choice.
If you want to put an IEC appliance inlet on the metal wiring...
With the metals ones getting warm, wouldn't the plastic socket
be copping a bit too?
If you want to put an IEC appliance inlet on the metal wiring
junction box, you'd need one rated for high temperature
- a C16 one like THIS one (ref. IEC-320 Appliance Connectors)
rated for up to 120C - even better would be a C16A one but
you'd have to order from overseas (e.g. here) which is
rated for 155C.
Or if you can get some silicon mains flex, use that to join to the
element conductors & earth and pass it thru a metal cable gland
(see BA members' gallery - you know where that is).
Thanks heaps mate! The gland looks awesome but I don't want leads hanging off my pot....
@ Cambrew- looking good mate! - got any more pics?
What do you guys use for heating? I see a lot of electric rigs. Is that something that is better than gas or just more convenient/cheaper?
I was looking at gas, but can find info on the output required for a pot the size of the craft brewer 70l?
Any help?
italian spiral burner. A 3 or 4 ring would work with a adjustable regulator but spiral is the way to go or the big jet burners if you want to waste heaps of gas and get it to boil faster