Rogers Clone

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i'd rather a bottle in front of me than a frontal
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i have had 2 attempts at making a rogers clone, 1st one fail, more like a light stout,
second one nothing like it bust tasted drinkable.
tried the smurto version, nice but nothing like it.
has anyone got a good recipe yet? please... :icon_drool2:
second link doesn't have crystal in it... I would have thought Roger's definitely had crystal in it?
the second one is full of links to previous discussion in it. your not the first to ask.
I have never done this before but its fermenting at the moment. I can report back in a week or two if you would like.

Roger the Dodger

Batch size 46 litres
Boil size 58.76 litres
Boil time 60 minutes
Grain weight 7.85 kilograms
Efficiency 80%
Original gravity 1.041
Final gravity 1.010
Alcohol (by volume) 4.0%
Bitterness (IBU) 27
Color (SRM)10.6L
Yeast liquid Wyeast 1056 American Ale

BB Pale 37ppg, 1.5L Base 5 kilograms 63.7%
Vienna 35ppg, 4L 1 kilograms 12.7%
Wheat 38ppg, 2L 1 kilograms 12.7%
Carared 24ppg, 25L 0.5 kilograms 6.4%
Chocolate 29ppg, 350L 0.2 kilograms 2.5%
CaraPils 33ppg, 1.5L 0.15 kilograms 1.9%

130 grams
Nelson Sauvin hops 11%, Whole 20 grams 60 minutes (+0) ibu13
Cascade hops 6.8%, Pellet 40 grams 20 minutes (+40) ibu 6
Nelson Sauvin hops 12%, Whole 20 grams 20 minutes (+40) ibu 5
Cascade hops 6.8%, Pellet 30 grams 5 minutes (+55) ibu 3
Cascade hops 5%, Pellet 20 grams 3 days (+11)

14 days @ 17C

Additions @ 10 min
Salt 10 grams
Gypsum 10 grams
Whirlfloc 10 grams
Yeast nutrient 10 grams

80 minutes, 69.78 litres
Strike Target 69C
32.18 litres 72C 60 minutes (+0)
Sparge 18.80 litres 78C
Sparge18.80 litres 78C

60 minutes, 58.76 litres


EBC = (L x 2.65 ) - 1.2
Brew pal on iPhone
I too have a roger's clone in the fermenter at the moment... I tried to keep it as close to the 'blackboard' recipe that's been doing the rounds of aussie home brewer.

In the end though I had to chuck a bit of light chocolate and roast barley in to try and approximate the color... and even then I think I've fallen a bit short. I didn't go any further with the darker grains though cause I wanted to keep the flavour profile as close to Rogers' as possible. Preliminary tasting from the fermenter is promising...

Total Grain (kg): 3.510
Total Hops (g): 65.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1.038 (P): 9.5
Final Gravity (FG): 1.010 (P): 2.6
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 3.73 %
Colour (SRM): 9.2 (EBC): 18.1
Bitterness (IBU): 23.1 (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 70
Boil Time (Minutes): 60

Grain Bill
1.800 kg American 2-Row (51.28%)
1.000 kg Vienna (28.49%)
0.400 kg Wheat Malt (11.4%)
0.100 kg Carapils (Dextrine) (2.85%)
0.100 kg Carared (2.85%)
0.100 kg Chocolate, Pale (2.85%)
0.010 kg Roasted Barley (0.28%)

Hop Bill
5.0 g Galaxy Pellet (14.3% Alpha) @ 45 Minutes (Boil) (0.2 g/L)
15.0 g Cascade Pellet (5.6% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil) (0.8 g/L)
20.0 g Cascade Pellet (5.6% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil) (1 g/L)
25.0 g Cascade Pellet (5.6% Alpha) @ 5 Minutes (Boil) (1.3 g/L)

Misc Bill

Single step Infusion at 66C for 60 Minutes.
Fermented at 18C with Wyeast 1056

It's cold conditioning at the moment at 2 degrees. It finished a bit dry at about 1008... next time I'll probably mash a bit higher maybe 68 degrees and add a couple hundred grams more grain.
thanks guys, i have done the searches and used info from them but always good to get new twists on recipes,
one thing i do know is go easy on the roast barely, (my last attempt came out like a 2% stout,)
i think a small amount of choc would be ok though.
does anyone else get galaxy with a small cascade addition late in the boil for hops ?
thanks guys, i have done the searches and used info from them but always good to get new twists on recipes,
one thing i do know is go easy on the roast barely, (my last attempt came out like a 2% stout,)
i think a small amount of choc would be ok though.
does anyone else get galaxy with a small cascade addition late in the boil for hops ?

My light amber ale is not a Rogers clone and I never said it was, just for the record.

Instead of roasted barley try roasted malt. I've just used some in a Coopers Dark Ale and even at 6% of the grist it's smooth, no stout like harsh roasty characters at all. You would only need 1-2% in a Rogers clone.
My light amber ale is not a Rogers clone and I never said it was, just for the record.

Instead of roasted barley try roasted malt. I've just used some in a Coopers Dark Ale and even at 6% of the grist it's smooth, no stout like harsh roasty characters at all. You would only need 1-2% in a Rogers clone.
no insult intended, still enjoyed the **** out your recipe, just wanna get this recipe as close as rogers as i can.
got a couple of ideas to try this weekend.
p.s. you are still the master. :icon_cheers:
So, the brew I posted above is ready, cracked the first stubby yesterday.

Not a bad beer at all. But...

There is no place for roast barley in a beer like this. Even at 10 grams I can still taste the ****, and its overpowering, and out of place. Roast barley has to be the strongest tasting grain going around. I put about 20 or 30 grams in a porter prior to this brew, and even that is too much in a dark style like that (IMO).

Instead of roasted barley try roasted malt. I've just used some in a Coopers Dark Ale and even at 6% of the grist it's smooth, no stout like harsh roasty characters at all. You would only need 1-2% in a Rogers clone.

Couldn't have said it better.

I'll brew this one again, cause it has real promise, but next time I'll can the roast barley, and not give a **** if its not 'the right colour'.

And I'll dry hop it. That's the other issue.

But yeah... its a nice midstrength american amber ale, but Rogers' it is not. :/
I tried Rogers a while ago and it reminded me of a weaker, slightly more watery version of their LCPA.

So maybe use Argon's LFPA and 'water it down' to be about 3.8%
It may be a bit more in depth than just doing that but, that is where I'd start.

Actually, I'll add this to my 'to brew' list.

I tried Rogers a while ago and it reminded me of a weaker, slightly more watery version of their LCPA.

So maybe use Argon's LFPA and 'water it down' to be about 3.8%
It may be a bit more in depth than just doing that but, that is where I'd start.

Actually, I'll add this to my 'to brew' list.


Completely agree.

Everytime ive had Rogers ive thought its the same hop bill as the pale ale, just less of it. My opinion...
I too would start with a reputable version of lcpa like Argon's, and keep everything the same balance, just brew it to a lower gravity. Will get very, very close i reckon.
I'm looking at getting an extract recipe down for Rogers too, my first try at an extract brew in fact, I've seen the good Doctors and a few other floating around the AHB forums and have a newbie question;

All of them seem to use light and/or wheat extract then add some specialty grains (like crystal, carared or chocolate) to darken the beer towards to desired colour. Nowhere have I read anyone suggesting the use of any dark malt. I've been playing around on Brewers friend recipe calculator and 1kg of dark, light and wheat each seems to come to a good colour with the addition of some grains,

So why is no-one using any dark liquid malt extract in their Rogers clones? Does it effect the taste that much?
Just resurrecting an old thread...

How did these beers turn out or can anyone comment on the recipe's posted above?
I have trawled through the various Rogers recipe threads and was going to brew a beer similar but I was thinking that the 2-3% chocolate malt may give too much of a roasty flavour to that of a Rogers??
Was thinking of maybe putting in some Crafa special in place some of the chocolate but it would be good to find out what LC recipe is for this?

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